Family and Friends Forum

Change Childs Surname From Dads

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Member since
January 2023

4 posts

Posted Sat January 21, 2023 2:59pmReport post

Hello, first post and im really unsure on if im in the correct place or anything!

My now ex boyfriend (father to my child) is currently awaiting sentencing. He was caught on our drive by vigilanties. Turns out he has pleaded guilty for messaging decoy's. He still went looking for it though thinking they were young girls.

The question I have is..

Has anyone managed to change their childs surname with or without dads consent? He is on the birth certificate but im not allowed any contact with him (not like i want to). Due to him putting both me and the little one in danger.

My little one has dads surname not mine. For obvious reasons I would prefer to have mine.. Hasn't started nursery yet but again to get him in at one Ive been told I need both parents signatures.

Any advice greatly appreciated!x

Edited Mon January 23, 2023 9:25am

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

1091 posts

Posted Mon January 23, 2023 1:15pmReport post


No personal experience in this as our knock was while I was pregnant so baby has my surname. I think you'd be wise to seek legal advice around changing little one's surname, if you know where your ex is living the solicitor can send correspondence to him on this matter. In terms of nursery requiring both parents signatures, I've never heard of this. There are plenty of people who have parental responsibility but are absent from their child's life so I wouldn't have thought this is something they can request. Have you had ss involved? They may be able to advise you on how to proceed with nursery. I was married when I had my two older children but they never asked for my husbands signature to enrol them at nursery. With baby I've just told them I'm the only one with parental responsibility and left fathers name blank. If you repost on the discussion and support section you may get more responses xxx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Tue January 24, 2023 7:14pmReport post

I believe there are two main options. He either agrees to the name change (and retain his rights as a dad) or he is removed as a responsibile person to your child, I'm assuming your ex will not agree to this or be reluctant.

Changes of surname has to be agreed by all those deemed as responsible persons and with a court order - according to the .gov site

Convicted people do not automatically lose their responsibility/parental status. I have no experience of this but I assume a solicitor might be able to help negotiate giving up the rights, or have courts revoke the rights...


Member since
July 2021

125 posts

Posted Fri January 27, 2023 9:40pmReport post

It depends on if he agrees

If yes, straighrforward

if no, it is through court.

Easiest thing is start with "known as". Most places do that easily. And then see what outcome is etc. if custodial the process is straightforward through the court.


Member since
December 2021

74 posts

Posted Sat February 18, 2023 9:03pmReport post


I'm glad you asked this. Although I'm sorry that you are in this club with the rest of us. I have a 20 year old that is going to change her name to my maiden name. I now want to change mine and my 13 years olds as well. I've requested the forms be posted to me. I just did a bit if googling name change and got to the right part of the gov website. It requires both of our signatures. I am going to pass our through my Mother in law. Do you have someone that sees you both that you can trust? If so, save solicitor fees and do it this way. I don't know how you deal with it through the court, or how much it costs. I may yet end up going down that route myself. I just.dont.know which way he will go with all this.

Can I just say that that must have been a horrific way to find out what he had been upto!

I'm glad your baby is too young to understand what's going on.

I wish you lots of luck that it.all goes easy.

Take care x


Member since
January 2023

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Posted Fri March 17, 2023 10:15pmReport post

Thanks all for your replies, his dad agreed it was for the best the night before sentencing incase worse came to worst.
he didn't get sent down in the end.
Everything was sent today so just a waiting game..


Member since
January 2023

4 posts

Posted Fri March 17, 2023 10:17pmReport post

Annamarie to put it through courts it was only £45. Solicitor fees were the most.. worth every penny!!


Member since
March 2023

1 post

Posted Sun March 26, 2023 12:08pmReport post

I changed my kid's surname to mine by applying to family court for a specific issues order as part of a child arrangements order. It cost a couple of hundred pounds and took 3 hearings over about 8 weeks. Then I could process the deedpoll without the father's agreement


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon March 27, 2023 8:28pmReport post

Hi castlebeach

Would you be happy to share so e further details on what reasons the courts agreed to change the name without the father's approval? I ask because my partner was under the assumption it can't happen until his rights as a father are removed.

Does the father of kids no longer have parental rights as consequence of the courts approving the name change?


Member since
December 2023

73 posts

Posted Sat October 5, 2024 7:47pmReport post

Hi i know this post is old, but i see a few people had sucessfully change their childs surname. I have the fathers agreement but struggling with the forms - in particular if/what point a solicitor needs to sign it,....

Can i just take all the signed and completed forms down for the solicitor to sign

-or is the the 2 witnesses that have to be present for the solicitor?

-google is giving me so many different answers-i am awaiting 2 solicitors calling me back (2 weeks aggo!)

-also in the reasons why it is in the childs interests - how much detail did you go into? Will a short statement that dad is going to court/potentiall media fall out enough? dad has agreed to name change helpfully.

any help/experience with this be great!