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Feeling so vulnerable

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Member since
May 2019

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Posted Fri May 17, 2019 8:01pmReport post

Hi. My partner was arrested just 7 days ago for posession of illegal images. I was wowondering if he will face charges. The police told him its likely it will end up in court. I am so scared of hes name being published in my local paper because i have 2 children. Does anyone have any advice how i can prevent me and my children going through public humilation aswell as what we are already going through


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Fri May 17, 2019 8:46pmReport post

Hi Becky

im sorry to hear that you’ve found your life turned upside down through something you have not had any part of just like myself and many other on this forum. You need time to process what has happened, how you really feel about it etc.

Regarding the press. There is sadly no way to stop them printing a name and street where they live if they wish to do so. We tried absolutely every avenue to stop our sons name going in the paper but got nowhere. Judge would not grant a privacy ban. That said, not all cases make the press. It just depends on how bad it is and what other cases are on that week. Our sons name went in paper but we had moved to another county before it went to court. We were lucky in that it did not do to many rounds on Facebook and managed it quite well. The men who are caught by the paedophile hunters have it a lot tougher as it’s usually live streamed to thousands and thousands online.

If the police are saying its likely to go to court then I’d assume they’ve found something that warrants court. I’ve heard of people who only have a small number of images getting a caution and added to the sex offender register. Those cases do not go to court so therefore do not get reported in the press. That would be something to think about if you know how many images they are likely to find.

Try to keep calm and remember you have done no wrong. Also remember your husband is still The husband he was a month ago. He is likely just like the thousands of other men who do this. They don’t look at the internet as a form of real life but it is real life. The tragedy is that by the time they realise that their lives are lying in ruins. Not just their lives but their families to.

Keep coming on here in meantime as there are plenty in here in the same boat as you who can advise you more as in my case it was my son and not my husband. Sending you hugs and good wishes x


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Fri May 17, 2019 9:16pmReport post

Thankyou for replying. When he was released on bail he said to me that he hadnt done anything wrong. However since then he has told me the truth that he had been on chat rooms and recieved images and thay he sent them back aswell. I am shocked that he has even done this he has said to me ots hes mental state and he has gone through alot but i cant take that as an exolanation right now.


Member since
April 2019

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Posted Fri May 17, 2019 9:50pmReport post

Hi Becky

I understand how you are feeling I have 3 small children and live I a very small place. I am certain it will be in the the first few weeks I tried to control every possible scenario. The more time In had to process things and after taking advice from this forum, I realise that all this is out of my control. I have had to let it go. I also confided in a few friends (after a few months when I had more info) and it was such a relief to let go of some of he mental load. The support for me and the children is heartwarming. I had to tell my children what happened and it is heart breaking to explain to your child why the papers will be interested in something that is making us so sad. But we can work on dignified responses for everything that might come our way.

Good luck. It gets a bit easier as time goes on.


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Fri May 17, 2019 10:08pmReport post


thats very positive that he has told you everything. It’s completely devastating and heartbreaking for us all. All you can do is try and be prepared for things you know are going to come up. Your in the early stages and it could be many months before anything in the courts happen.

As far as your kids are concerned. What you may have to tell them will depend on their ages. Has social services become involved? They did with my daughter because she has a toddler son. Fortunately she had a positive meeting with social worker and health visitor and got signed off after one visit.

I was devastated that my son offended so I can only imagine it feels worse when it’s your husband. In our case our son spoke with an underage girl and had images she had willingly sent him and he had sent her some. This was bad enough without any child abuse stuff. That said my son was wrong to do what he did but he’s now being punished for it while serving his prison sentence.

Good wishes x


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 8:39amReport post

Social serices are coming next week. I habe a 12 yo and a 3yo they were both at home when the arrest was made and the warrant executed. I just feel that i want to protect them from the media and oublic storm. Especially my eldest he is at a vulnerable age as it is and has a severe anxiety disorder wich he is under mental health for. I just think that it being published and the stigma is going to severly affect him and hes mental state and im worried that this will have a massive effect on hes transition into teenage/adult years.


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 8:41amReport post

Also the police have questioned my eldest already and it has set him off he hasnt left the house since the arrest happened he has shut himself away in hes room and wont speak to me. Every knock on the door he hides under hes bed and shouts for me not to answer it.


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December 2018

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 4:33pmReport post

Oh Becky that’s worrying.

you may need to phone your doctor as the crisis team may need to assess him. Has he said anything, like his life is not worth living. My husband has intensive mental health support after the knock. I don’t want to scare you but professional help may make all the difference xxx


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 5:28pmReport post

He has always said he wants to hurt himself i have spoken to hes pyschiattist and she is seriously concerned..not only that he has to go through this but of what a move of hpuse and area would do taking him away from hes family and friends at such a vulnerable time. This is why i am so desperate to keep my partners name out of the press not for him but for my childrens own health and future i cannpt contemplate a move it would destroy him


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 6:31pmReport post


The more I read your story Becky the more saddened and relieved I am. Saddened because your son is so young to be going through what he is through no fault of his. Relieved because our grandson is still a toddler and understands nothing of what’s gone on. It’s hard to imagine what you and your children are going through or what your children feel inside. It’s bad enough when adults have to go through it never mind innocent children. Your priority at the moment has to be your children and helping them as much as possible. Not easy as I well know when your going through all that you are yourself x


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sat May 18, 2019 7:48pmReport post

I know my children are my priority i just cannot bear to think of what the publication of hes name will do to my son i am so scare for him he shouldnt have to go through this i know ober time i will be okay bit him im not sure about about...he has been doin councilling for years and has never dealt with any change in hes life even when hes little brother was born he was difgerent and still is now 3 years on he cant bond with him. This will destroy him and the move if it gets published will trigger so many difficulties and as i said before he has npt even overcome the borth of hes little brother yet to be away from all hes family and friends would deatroy him i know it will i feel somewhat responsible if i do move aswell even though it would be to protect him i would be the cause of that upset change and hurt


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 7:21amReport post


i promise you your doing fine. It’s a horrendous experience and your still in very early days.

You have done all you can contacting his mental health team. I truly hope for all the offenders out there hitting rock bottom is a way to grow and get help. Unfortunately you can’t make it better only they can. The Samaritans have an email address if he doesn’t feel up for talking and they don’t just support people on the edge of suicide but those who feel completely hopeless and no self worth.I hope he gets some help.

you own well-being is also a priority as you need to get some help and rest to support your children. In the early days I called Lucy Faithfull but I have to say my doctor and this forum were the most helpful.

Take it day by day or hour by hour. You have already come so far. It’s a process of grief feel sadness we were all let down by those we truly trusted. Self care is important to us.

the fear is real but I am six months in and still don’t know about his computer. There is time to get your head together before the criminal justice system and you know no one will need to know just yet. It’s a need to know basis now. ( but you do need some support, have you any friends that you know are non judgmental of people. If you choose correctly you will be so grateful to have support for you).

one last thing I remember in the early days I held it together for my daughter and struggled at night time with my sleep. Post here if you need to ask anything.

becky it’s heartbreaking, I understand. You have got this. We maybe only writers on the forum but behind the screen we are real people going through this together.

stay safe and kind to yourself. Your children love you and you love them. I don’t even hate my husband as he blessed me with my little girl who I love so deeply. Xxx

beth Lou xxx


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 7:29amReport post

I forgot to say. I didn’t move house yet, but those who have don’t appear to have regretted it. A fresh start can be good. Maybe just get your house valued as a starting point.

You seem like a good mummy worried about your children. I know everyone keeps saying self care is important but if you look after yourself you can look after them.

take your time it’s not even been a month for you. Xxx


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 7:34amReport post

or if you renting it maybe easier to move later, but like I said no rush these things take time a ridiculous amount of time you have time to choose what’s best for you and your children X


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 10:09amReport post

Thankyou for all the support and advice i really do apfeciate it. Im going to speak to social services about the possibility of moving etc. At least that way i know that my children will have the support that they will need if we do have to move. The only thing im concerned about is him having access. I know he wont with my eldest he has already said he doesnt want to see him. I know this may change over time but i will deal woth that if that comes up. But its the 3yo im concerned for. Has anyone got kids and still allow access or have you stopped? Xx


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 8:01pmReport post

Becky you sound full on practical mode. I have admiration for you,

in terms of contact, my husband sees my daughter twice a week supervised for two hours at a time as that is what he and her can both manage. I have no plans to up contact but may reduce it depending on what happens at court. Doing longer less frequently maybe.

my husband and I are separated but still civil to each other. He also has a good relationship with my daughter and she wants to see him.

children services maybe able to advise. The children’s needs should come first and their wishes will be saught.

if the relationship had completely broken down and you suspend contact he could possibly take you to court for access but the judge will also want to know what the children want.

the whole situation is devestatong it sounds very much you are putting your kids first a so that’s good social services will value this as you are someone who can keep the children safe. All the best Becky xxx

i also remember in the early days I kept myself busy cleaning decorating etc but sometimes you need a really good cry. Your emotions maybe all over the place but that’s okay. You can and will survive this xxx


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sun May 19, 2019 8:30pmReport post

Thankyou for your reply. I have most definately been keeping my self busy my house has never been so clean ????. I will speak to sovial services and play by what they say etc.

Jayne G

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March 2019

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Posted Mon May 20, 2019 6:57pmReport post

Becky, just remember that social services aren't "the bad guys" here, and they'll just want to know that you're putting your children first. Their safety is the concern and they'll advise you on what's best, but they'll also take into account the happiness of the children.

I was terrified of social services, as I felt like if they didn't allow access then I'd have "failed", but they're not out to trip you up - they just want to see that you're putting the children's needs and safety first. The second time that they got in touch (last week) was harder, but again they just wanted to see that I understood the severity of the situation and that I was "team kids" rather than "team partner", which it goes without saying I am.

It sounds like you're doing the absolute best you can in the circumstances, so don't doubt that. Keep going. Xx


Member since
May 2019

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Posted Tue May 21, 2019 1:48pmReport post

So just had the first social services visit..the lady was lathewas nicer and more understanding than i expected i had set myself up to have someone who didnt think i could cope etc. They have a big meeting with schools and police and will gibe me more news as to what happened. She really understood my serious concerns on how this is impacting my eldest with hes mental health issues. And the youngest with hes additional needs also. She has however managed to get an appointment with hes pyschologist consultant for this afternoon so thats a big bonus gorbonusshe has listened to my c9ncerns about the effect of publishing would have on my eldest also and the impact just a move would make let alone out of county or town and said she will have to look into things as she has a duty of care to make sure that all there requirments in their children in need plan are met. So im not sure even if i wanted to move i would even be aloud because of their children in need plan is based on schools and services in this area and i cant break the commitment that has been set as it would be classed as not in the childrens interest and could come under in a long sense i think i may be stuck here and have to grin and bare whatever is coming my way and just pray that i am strong enough to deal with it and it doesnt effect my boys too much. Xx sorry for the long post xx