Family and Friends Forum

Closed Court Application

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Member since
January 2023

4 posts


Following the former arrest of a family member I was subject to attacks, criminal damage, false accustation and threats and fear for my life.

Since the family member's re-arrest and being told it will likely end up back in the papers I am applying for a Closed Court.

I have however been told this on Monday 19th and I need all the evidence I can, which is going to be very difficult.

I am terrified and not convinced in my head I can or want to live through the implications again. All I can do to keep focused is to ensure I put the best case across.

The doctors are writing me a letter of support.

Has anyone done this or similar and has tips to make my appeal more convincing?

The solicitor has said this may keep my location out of the papers but not their name or photo - which may defeat the purposed. I moved after last time and have people searching for my family membrane regularly to simply to cause harm. I'd like to avoid a story entirely.

Thank you

Posted Fri February 17, 2023 4:53pmReport post


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

I put in a letter and barrister asked the judge to kerp it out of media because my ex husband (not the person who I was with fur the knock) is violent and there's lots of poikce reports. I could get hold of the evidence through police, hospital reports etc but the judge deemed it now necessary. We also said it was to protect both our children too. She was fair and we were lucky.

Posted Sat February 18, 2023 8:53amReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

I'm sorry you're going through this. I have no experience but I was doing some research for a report and came across a case involving application for closed court. The basis was an identical twin brother's brother was being prosecuted for a second time in relation to iioc and previously he had suffered attacks and abuse because of the reporting. The judges decision will be a result of safety over the public's interest to know about the case so I would definitely try to include something about understanding this and include all of the harm already suffered plus the potential future harm, if there are any children involved definitely emphasise the concern for danger they may face too as it will make the case stronger. I hope you're successful x

Posted Sat February 18, 2023 1:00pmReport post


Member since
January 2023

4 posts

Sadly not - despite being subject to historic threats and attacks and being a woman living alone its a no - I'm over 18 with no children so noone needs 'protecting'. Police admit they cannot.

I cannot see how I will live through this again, the doctors are aware of it but its not a life, its an existance and not one I currently intend to see through. Life is for living not constant fear and I've only just rebuilt, but not again.

I will consider my options IF it hits the press.

I have a telephone call with the barriaster on Friday but have been told a photo of the offender, his name, address and employer (me!) will likely appear in the papers and I'm unlikely to get the decision changed.

I'm self employed so I have nothing left to live for - I lost all bar 2 friends last time so I'm out of support network and my parents are eldery.

I don't see a future.

I don't know whether to appeal to the local papers directly to not on sympathy or whether this wil draw attention to the case - my parents think it will, I just want to feel I've tried everything to feel safe.

I only have just over a week. The crime and sentancing I can handle - social media and papers - no.

Posted Tue February 21, 2023 8:16pm
Edited Tue February 21, 2023 8:17pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts


I can't read and not respond. Please, do not despair, life IS worth living again.
My ex was live-streamed on Facebook, I didn't know how I could survive it but I did. I did not look at any media at all after the first couple of days, I came off social media and didn't read the local papers, I still don't as I now know how distorted everything gets. I was terrified for my home and myself, but police had me on high risk call list, which meant if I called I had priority, I didn't ever need to call them. I'm now over three and half years past the visit from the police to search the house and tell me what had happened and I am doing well.more than well, the experience made me stronger and more focussed. You WILL get there.
take care, big hugs


Posted Sat February 25, 2023 6:25pmReport post


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

My heart breaks reading this. Please speak to the oic and your gp and tell them everything from how it was last time to how you are feeling now.
you have dont nothing wrong and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things will get better, you are stronger than you think. Please keep in touch xx

Posted Sun March 12, 2023 11:12pmReport post


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

How are you doing Iwant?
Nothing is worth your life things will get better ??

Posted Thu March 23, 2023 10:43pmReport post

Quick exit