Family and Friends Forum

Never Ending

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Member since
February 2023

14 posts

Posted Tue February 28, 2023 9:55amReport post

Hello All,

My circumstances seem to just get worse and worse so would very much appreciate any advice at this time.

My now ex partner was arrested 2 years ago and is nearing the end of a suspended sentence (no contact or communication). Currently has a shpo but according to my ex can be challenged. We share two children my eldest was 3 months old when arrested and i have since given birth to a little boy who is nearing 3 months old. Second child was an accidental pregnancy as i am not with there father. Current circumstances i am not allowed to supervise as i orginally didn't feel he was capable of such a crime and felt he wouldn't intentionally harm our daughter. It was very distressing at the time and i was in a state of shock for a long while.

2 years later here i am still not supervising but awsiting to go on the inform program, have only 1 friend left and no family to support me or my children. I am solely responsible for my children and struggling with the day to day battle with social as they constantly dismiss me. My daughter is constantly asking for daddy and social dismiss it as stages of development which is really affecting my mental health its heartbreaking to watch her. Social visit every 14wdays yet haven't even spoken to my ex in 6 months. Feel they are very judgemental and do not want me to have anything to do with him. My ex wants us to be a family and to come home. I still have deep feelings for him as he is the father of my children and my only support system so has really been there for me at a distance where he can. I suppose my question is whether it is at all possible for us to be a family again as SS seem hell bent on not letting this happen. Due to finances and not bein able to live together we may be forced to sell and i would become homeless with the children if nothing changes as he is currently living with his parents and cant sustain this long term. I am completely lost as this has been going on for so long i feel ss will never leave me alone. Any advice would help greatly, sorry for the long post.

Edited Tue February 28, 2023 2:25pm

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

528 posts

Posted Mon March 6, 2023 3:02pmReport post

Thank you for posting on the Family and Friends forum, we understand that it is not easy to post on a forum about these difficult situations. I can see that you have not yet had a reply on your post, hopefully someone else in a similar situation can reply soon with some support.

If you haven't already done so, I would also encourage you to contact our Stop it Now! helpline. The helpline is anonymous, confidential and free, on 0808 1000 900. One of our trained advisors will then be able to explore your situation in detail and provide some support and do their best to answer your questions. Our trained advisors deal with similar concerns to yours every day, and will be able to talk these through with you and offer you the best advice we can.

I hope this has been helpful.

Take care,
