Family and Friends Forum

No idea what is going on

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Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Mon March 20, 2023 2:11pmReport post

Hi everyone,

My person was arrested beginning of May 2022. He was put on bail for 28 days initially, after which he was told that the investigator in charge of his case was on leave and hadn't finished dealing with his case just yet. We didn't get any bail discharge document or anything. We were just told we would be contacted a few days later which didn't happen. A few months later, my person contacted the investigator who told him that he was not on bail anymore, and that he would let him know of the outcome in the next few days. This was months later. We haven't heard back anything.

I am confused, is he out on investigation then? Is the case closed? Why is no one updating us?


Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Mon March 20, 2023 2:15pmReport post

They still have all his devices btw


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon March 20, 2023 3:11pmReport post

Hi Turlam

With regards to bail the maximum days can only be 28.:After this time anyone not dealt with is automatically put onto RUI (Released Under Investigation)

This procedure is open ended without any fixed dates for closure which is why you will read on this site partners having to wait 1,2,3 and even 4 years for closure.

RUI also means that there are no conditions currently active I hope this explains a little bit for you...

Best wishes...


Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Mon March 20, 2023 4:13pmReport post

That makes sense, thank you so much!


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Tue March 21, 2023 5:21amReport post

Post deleted

Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
June 2021

437 posts

Posted Tue March 21, 2023 7:24amReport post

Same as what daffodil said my oh was on bail the whole 18 months even after signing the register up until crown court. They can apply as many times as they want


Member since
October 2022

40 posts

Posted Sun March 26, 2023 7:23pmReport post

It's now 13 months since the first knock and 5 months since the second and as far as I am aware there no court date set as yet. We have no contact with him due to his offences towards my older children his step children. Our youngest who is still under 18 has now started to ask for contact but social services say not till after court. But from what I've seen this could be a very long while yet. I don't know why the hold up they've said there is a quarter of a million images to sort and categorise. They also said there's undeniable evidence of his crimes so why is it taking so long? In some ways it's a relief it's dragging if I'm honest because it means I don't have to let my child near him but another part of me sees their hurt and knows they need their dad even if he's now a total stranger to us.