Family and Friends Forum

Son move back home

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Member since
October 2022

3 posts

Posted Thu April 13, 2023 4:31pmReport post


I need some advice please. My son was arrested May 2022 for an indecent image that was found on his dropbox account, with no IP Address. He was bailed and the case went NFA in November 2022. His phone was returned to him (that's the only device that was seized). My son maintains that it wasn't him as he had an old laptop that my eldest son used whenever he came over. My eldest son, was found guilty this year of sexual assault on a three minors. He's currently on remand awaiting sentencing. My son believes it was his brother that was looking at IIOC on his laptop. Whenever my eldest stayed over he used the laptop frequently and it wasn't password protected.

I have stated to Social Services that I would like my son to return home now that it's been NFA'd by the police. Social Services have made me and my son wait months for anything to be done. We've both been cooperating very well with them, but they've now stated that they recommend that my son doesn't return home due to the risk and for what my eldest has done, and if he does they will seek legal advice as I have 2 minors living with me. My son has a brilliant relationship with his siblings and they've both been asked how they feel. They were both happy with him coming home.

My sons mental health is rapidly deteriorating, and he has stated to me multiple times he doesn't want to be here anymore. I have no idea where to go for legal advice. just want my son back home with me and we can carry on as a family.



Member since
June 2022

175 posts

Posted Fri April 14, 2023 8:27amReport post

Hi, sending you warmth and strength. Your post is so upsetting - perhaps move it to the 'Discussion' section as this is the most used area and it will be picked up by others with suitable knowledge. The response of SS seems totally misaligned with the situation. As I understand it, you have two sons. Your (innocent) son is being prevented from returning home as SS consider his brother's offences somehow make him a risk. Following that reasoning, every innocent family member of an offender should automatically also be considered a risk - which is clearly insane! You and your family must be in so much trauma, especially as you are dealing with this alongside the pain of your other son's actions. This may be a daft question, but are SS aware that you have two sons, and the one you want to come home is innocent and not under any suspicion whatsoever of any offences? It may be worth clarifying with them (by email so you have a record). I would suggest escalating this to your SS's manager, suggesting you agree a date (not too distant) by which they must provide written clear justification and the evidence-based and quantifiable basis of their perceived risk of a totally innocent young person returning home when you have all been fully compliant throughout investigation. It would be reasonable to request a proper risk assessment (by an independent expert if SS will fund it). Now the police have decided there is no basis for further action, he needs to come home so you can all begin to heal together as a family. The mental wellbeing of your younger children may also be a factor for consideration - they have been through significant family turmoil, and the return home of their innocent and much loved older brother would be beneficial for their wellbeing. I'd suggest Googling solicitors in your area who specialise in family law and start ringing round asap today. Legal aid will be available to cover fees if you qualify. I really wish you all the best for a quick and positive resolution.

Edited Sat April 15, 2023 6:51am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2462 posts

Posted Fri April 14, 2023 7:23pmReport post


As I what InTatters has said post in the discussion page x

I am so sorry you have found yourself here and i cant imagine how difficult this is for you xx


Member since
September 2022

138 posts

Posted Sat April 15, 2023 9:31pmReport post

Sending you hugs Hurtpotato. X

Edited Sat April 15, 2023 9:31pm