Family and Friends Forum

Name changes

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Member since
December 2021

74 posts

Good morning to all

I am still married to the man that caused the knock. I will not be divorcing him for the foreseeable as we own property together that is in the process of a deed and name change. However, I can't stand that myself and my son still have his name. I want us to change to my maiden name. It is a bit pricey for a solicitor though. Does anyone know if there is a legal way I can do it without having to employ 1?

I know it's a long shot but with the amount I'm currently living on, I can't afford £100+ each.

Any advice appreciated.

Posted Wed April 19, 2023 6:58amReport post


Member since
October 2022

618 posts

My person is changing their name via deed poll.

they downloaded a form, need to go to solicitor with a witness not related to them and known them for 10 years and get the form signed. This is costing them £40.

On the form it says something about spouses, I had to sign a bit of paper saying I wasn't changing my name (I think). I did it ages ago.

Posted Wed April 19, 2023 8:25amReport post


Member since
April 2023

517 posts

If you search on the forum there are other threads about name changes by deed poll, and I'm sure I've read that you can do it yourself with the witness signatures etc so not having to pay a solicitor's fee (although I get why it might feel more official doing it that way).

Posted Wed April 19, 2023 8:58amReport post


Member since
September 2022

255 posts

As K4 said, you can do it yourself. You don't need a solicitor.

You'll need the deed poll enrolled with courts to change things like passports and bank accounts.

Posted Wed April 19, 2023 1:26pmReport post

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