Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2019

8 posts

Posted Sat June 1, 2019 12:03pmReport post

So the current situation is as follows.

My partner was in crown court on Thursday, he pleaded guilty to having indecent images on a basis that he had been sent them in a chat room and that he had not requested the images and that after the initial opening of the file he had not viewed them. The judge refused to accept this basis and has sent the prosecution away to present further evidence to the contrary. His guilty plea was accepted and he was sent away from court with two pieces of paper, one stating to return to court in three weeks for sentencing and one telling him to register at a police station.

We are in limbo. We have no home in this country and were staying in our tourer on a local campsite, we have now been informed that due to his conviction it is highly likely we will be able to remain here once he has registered.

We cannot return home as this is in a different country. We cannot stay with anyone else as there are children there. I feel totally lost and confused.

I have come to my daughter's for a few days to try and clear my head, I feel as if I have totally abandoned him and worry about him constantly. He has attempted to take his own life twice since this all began and I'm constantly checking up with him that he's ok.

I feel so lost and unprepared for what is now happening. I'm not even sure I want to be with him. I listen to his plans for our future and I nod and make the right noises when inside I'm screaming. I wish I was a religious person because maybe then there would be some comfort and solace somewhere in this awful maelstrom that my so called life has become. I find myself wishing for it to end and my misery be over.