Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2019

2 posts

Posted Sat June 1, 2019 10:08pmReport post

My husband appears to be a massive lying liar. I’m struggling with what to believe. I had my first knock just over a year ago, I was numb, then I was angry then I settled with disbelief. I pushed it out of my mind for months and months, there must be a reason, he couldn’t possibly be viewing images like that. It all seemed to go away, I presumed it had been an awful mistake, we planned our new start abroad where we could forget such vexatious allegations. Last week the police came round and served him with a court summons. Watching him stutter and freeze when the police woman asked him simple questions and stated that he must be fully aware of the allegations since he was interviewed under caution (which he never told me about) tipped me off. This man is a liar. I’ve been a wreck since, back to separate bedrooms which he has done without me asking. I’m barely managing to stay even and he is acting normal, laughing and joking, talking about moving next year like it’s still a thing. What the hell? Am I married to a sociopath? Am I a sociopath because I can’t bear to make this all real by making a decision to leave, or a plan to get away. I live in a world where this is a huge mistake. I don’t have a clue what to do. 5 weeks til Magistrates s Court.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Sun June 2, 2019 3:14pmReport post


Poster gives the best advice. Xx be kind to yourself it’s not a quick decision and only you can make the decision and it may take months to really know what you want and still then our minds can change xxx

however we are here, whatever you decide to do.

Big loves x

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 4:11pm