Family and Friends Forum

This weekend

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Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

125 posts

Posted Tue June 4, 2019 10:31amReport post

I've been off the grid for a few days so have just been catching up on all the posts from over the weekend and I've noticed a few new names pop up. It's never nice to know more people are in this situation, but I'm glad people have felt able to have their voices heard.

I was away for the weekend at my sister's wedding and, for a couple of days, things felt "normal". My family are unaware of the situation, and I was terrified of anything coming out that might ruin the day for my sister, but we had a lovely weekend. My partner was emotional, as he's almost mourning the family he stands to lose. It's back to work today and the anxiety is back, partly because of how my employer has chosen to treat me over the past couple of weeks. I feel like something has to give, so I'm looking for a new job. Is it silly to change things at such a turbulent time in my life?! I just feel like my employer has acted so poorly and has judged me, whereas a new role would come with less of the judgement and a fresh start.

Anyway, I felt a bit more positive this weekend. It's diminishing today, but I managed to raise a genuine smile over the weekend.

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

125 posts

Posted Tue June 4, 2019 11:55amReport post

Hi Lee, thank you. The whole situation I find myself in has given me such a high level of anxiety, but work in the past always gave me stability. Through this, that hasn't been the case. I'm scared to come into work, I hear my boss and my colleague talking about me and I just can't face feeling constantly anxious whilst sat here, so I think it's time for a change! Fingers crossed I can get something sorted - I suppose I just needed someone else to say it's ok to be selfish and think about my career! Well done to you for making the decision to close your business. It's terrifying to think how this takes over every single aspect of our lives xx