Family and Friends Forum


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2019 9:44amReport post

So found out yesterday that my ex now had a girlfriend and they are trying for a baby! Don't know how that's going to work, he was told by the judge he cannot reside with a child under 18. He met her on Tinder and she's fine with what he's done, I'm sorry but what sort of women meet a paedophile and decides to have a child with him, she's even going to his sentencing cour case next Wednesday. I'm so angry and heartbroken that he gets to destroy mine and my daughters life and he gets the happy ever after. Hate him so much!!


Member since
June 2019

56 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2019 10:03amReport post


Im not sure which feed I posted to, but I kind of know how you feel (ish)

My now ex-husband has an affair and left me and our daughters. Got arrested for something in August 2017, it’s still ongoing and this woman married him.

more fool them. No matter what he has put you and your children through, rest assured that you are much better off without him

sending love and positive thoughts your way x


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2019 10:07amReport post

Oh Cher that's pants!!

I don't understand the mentality of having a child that you can't live with, wonder what the training is behind that!!

You and your daughter are better off without him if that's his thought process but it must make you so mad! I find it incredible that some of these men, who have left our lives decimated, can move on as though nothing has happened.

You're doing great, sending a hug your way xx


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2019 10:44amReport post

Hi Sillyac,

I did read you post on the other discussion and thought omg! That's my life too, I also found out my ex cheated on me as well. Thinks it's going to take us a long time to get over what these men do, I have no trust now and don't think I could ever be with someone again, it wouldn't be fair on anyone iwas with because I wouldn't be able to trust them, so my ex has taken away the chance of me being with anyone else!

Tracy thank you for the response too, the support from all the ladies on here really help. Xx


Member since
June 2019

56 posts

Posted Fri June 7, 2019 11:32amReport post


Its crazy isn’t it.

As we’d already separated and I suppose in theory his gf (at the time-now wife!) would have been the supervisor of any visits. No way was that happening. But it means I don’t know any details about the offence(s) and it’s eating me alive.

Started having a bad few hours in a day, now I’m having bad weeks.

Mum just stuck in an angry rut at the moment, praying CPS don’t take too much longer to make the decision.

never in my worst nightmares did I ever think I’d be telling my beautiful 12 year old daughter what was going on.

Mad you say, our lives become so different, while they get to carry on. It’s ridiculous!

Ive had people that I thought were my friends question my choices as a mother because of what he tells them. Yet, I keep this to myself and very few others. It’s ridiculous. Does anyone out there know how long these things actually take? I’m not sure I’ll reach the 3 year mark with my mouth shut ????

I just end up feeling that everyone is already talking behind my back and I know I’ll make myself a recluse, so try my best to still go and do the food shop, etc and catch up with friends. It’s so hard.

Great to know I’m not alone and I do have some amazing friends and family. And of course my beautiful children ????

keep going peeps x