Family and Friends Forum

Hateful speech

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Member since
May 2023

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Posted Thu June 1, 2023 12:10pmReport post

Hi new here, my person is serving time. I will always be there though but what I find hard is people always seem to be talking about Rolf or some other case and then they say awful things about what these people deserve etc.

My person did make contact but would never have followed up but it feels so personal whenever these profile cases come up and talk turns to 'what they should suffer etc.

How do you cope internally when you still love someone knowing others if they knew would want then torn to peices?

Blue Sky

Member since
February 2023

205 posts

Posted Thu June 1, 2023 1:58pmReport post

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Edited Fri January 12, 2024 4:16pm


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December 2021

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Posted Thu June 1, 2023 4:40pmReport post


These opinions of others come from a position of ignorance and fear.

By ignorance I don't mean uneducated, I mean that, just like me before I found myself in this unfortunate situation, most people have no understanding or appreciation of the ease of accessing images on the open Internet and on apps many of us use everyday, like Facebook and WhatsApp, nor the ease of getting sucked into inappropriate conversations with minors on adult only chat sites/groups. And no understanding of how few offenders have an interest in children or are likely to do contact offences.

On fear, my impression is also that some people treat involved families as if they have some awful, infectious disease and no longer want to have anything to do with them. They worry that they will be tainted by it themselves. It is a very poorly understood issue, no one knows how big an issue, because it is not widely publicised (partly because we family members don't share or speak out for fear of reprisals or being accused of enabling of supporting the P word)

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun June 4, 2023 6:22pmReport post

I think after a while you grow a thick skin. I still don't like the P word and how it's used so freely.

i know the situation I am in, I cope with it in MY way - other people have no idea what they are talking about, so I just ignore it as much as I can to avoid getting upset in sn attempt to keep myself firmly on track.

Edited Sun June 4, 2023 6:24pm


Member since
July 2023

76 posts

Posted Wed July 12, 2023 6:17pmReport post

My OH has actually disabled his social media accounts (FB) in preparation for the possible media onslaught.

Edited Wed July 12, 2023 6:18pm

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