Family and Friends Forum


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December 2018

383 posts

Any thoughts on this? I don’t think it’s law and only recommendations but any thoughts.

it was also discussed on Jeremy vine and In a daily mail article. Though the comments of that article are rather difficult to read.

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 7:58pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Interesting read. Even the comments on this one weren’t pleasant - someone posted that capital punishment would alleviate the pressure on the system. Some people’s comments are so stupid - as if capital punishment makes things cheaper or prevents crime. If it worked then the US would have a low crime rate.

Been thinking quite a lot about all this (obviously) and I remember the drugs policy of a few decades ago when the users were criminalised and police exerted their efforts on them. Then they realised that drugs are a societal problem rather then just an individual one and that locking up addicts was stupid, expensive and didn’t achieve a thing. So they changed tack and addicts before the courts were given rehab. Maybe one day it will be the same for internet offenders.

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 8:28pmReport post

Trying to keep it together

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February 2019

111 posts


I found this interesting and personally I think that it depends on a case by case basis with all factors considered. I also think a caution and 2 years on the SOR with a rehabilitation course/some form of therapy for certain offenders would work well and also show that actions have consequences.

I know personally that this offence has rattled my husband tremendously and hes now got a therapist and it wouldn't even cross his mind to do it another time due to him now facing alot of harsh realities and demons.

As usual you will always get the uneducated keyboard warriors out for an opinion that they post anonymously- just fuels hate and anger for no benefit to anyone in my opinion.


Posted Mon June 10, 2019 8:35pmReport post

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts


I found this interesting and personally I think that it depends on a case by case basis with all factors considered. I also think a caution and 2 years on the SOR with a rehabilitation course/some form of therapy for certain offenders would work well and also show that actions have consequences.

I know personally that this offence has rattled my husband tremendously and hes now got a therapist and it wouldn't even cross his mind to do it another time due to him now facing alot of harsh realities and demons.

As usual you will always get the uneducated keyboard warriors out for an opinion that they post anonymously- just fuels hate and anger for no benefit to anyone in my opinion.


Posted Mon June 10, 2019 8:35pmReport post


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September 2018

286 posts

I feel people should be prosecuted but the sentence should include education/rehabilitation. Education and rehabilitation is so important with all crimes but is not always offered. There is such a huge spectrum of people, reason etc that it just wouldn't work for everyone. Anyone who views images is still increasing the demand, those children are real and have suffered. The issues of why people do it is so complex and I agree for some it would help and stop them but for others it just wouldn't be enough. I didn't read any comments, I'm sure they are mostly unpleasant. I guess its good people are discussing these issues.

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 9:22pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

My husband has been rattled too. And to be fair I am also struggling with the fear of the press and people in the community finding out my husband and daughters father did something so stigmatised in society. My heart breaks that this is part of my daughters story.

It’s interesting about getting drug addicts therapy before locking them up. I think a course and monitoring would really help and also internet companies taking more control over what is put on to their sites.

It has really messed with my head but it’s good to see these things being discussed on tv. People can hide behind computers and that’s wrong and fules fear. The numbers of Ned doing this and being reported in the press is huge. I know there are some people out in the country who can see it’s a bigger issue.

my husband hates himself he looked at these images because he feels worthless and dirty. It’s wrong but it’s a mental health issue. About his poor self worth. He is not ever harmed a child.

yes our relationship has broken down but the offending weighs heavily on me. He did this because he never loved himself or saw his worth. A therapeutic approach could work. Prison is only going to shame some of these men further.

comments talk about capital punishment but my husband would be the first to say he wants to escape reality and die. This crime and punishment approach fules further harm and suffering as I think the press reports can send offenders into a darker dangerous place. More so than they currently helping people and tackling the stigma surely less families are going to experience trauma and men are going to feel comfortable to get help.

sorry for the rant. I am awaiting on my husband to be called into interviews. I know his information is back now and the investigator just has to go through it. So I think I am very scared of what’s to come.

i am calling him my husband as not processed divorce yet and can’t use his name on an open forum.

hope everyone is well. And society can catch up with some level of understanding. This report may help tackle understanding on the scale of the problem. As the police have also recognised they can’t process the numbers in court and other strategies are needed.

Posted Mon June 10, 2019 9:26pmReport post

Quick exit