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Variation of Bail

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Posted Mon June 5, 2023 8:18am
Edited Mon June 12, 2023 11:18pmReport post


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August 2022

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We heard alot of that from the police and it just wasn't true. Our SW has been amazing and she's always pushed for us to get stuff that the police say is being held off because of them.

If it doesn't say he can't see his kid in the conditions and social services say he can supervised it should be fine?

You can appeal conditions but it takes a LONG time for them to even be checked and even then I don't think they approve it much.

We appealed months ago and still not heard anything back and it was about staying in the family house when the kids were away so not even a safety issue.

Unfortunately the police make all this so much more stressful and difficult. I think we all know and understand how important the safety of our kids is but the way the police do it doesn't seem about safety more than to cover themselves.

Edited to add - Have the police and social workers met his child? We were only allowed calls until they had met my kids and made sure they wasn't concerned about them. Then it went to supervised in person. But it wasn't stated on conditions just call, on his bail it just said no unsupervised access to children etc.

I really hope something gets sorted, it's really not fair to punish the kids for these things :(

Posted Mon June 5, 2023 9:42am
Edited Mon June 5, 2023 9:44amReport post


Member since
April 2023

516 posts

Hi Hedgehog,

I'm so sorry you have this upset to deal with on top of everything else. We are also experiencing hassle and extra upset for our grandchildren because of bail conditions imposed on our son. Is your person being investigated for online offences ie no contact offences? It sounds like it if your SW is happy for contact between dad and child.

Our son has now found a solicitor to act for him as he's had so much hassle with the police and has decided he needs someone to be a spokesperson for him (never thought we'd be spending our pension pot like this but I'm grateful we have that choice unlike many people) and he's been told that legally any bail and conditions attached to it must only be relevant to the reasons why he is being investigated. So, with no evidence that our son had done or was intending to do anything that would amount to a child contact sexual offence, he could not be made subject to contact-prohibitive conditions. It sounds like you're in that situation too, Hedgehog. Might it be worth looking for a solicitor if you don't have one already, to intervene for you?

Hope you can sort this out. It makes my blood boil that the police can make things so much worse, where was the concern for the 14 year old when they knew he/she was wanting to see dad? Also, as it would be supervised, where is the risk? GRRR!!


Posted Mon June 5, 2023 12:07pmReport post


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May 2023

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Posted Tue June 6, 2023 9:31pm
Edited Mon June 12, 2023 11:18pmReport post

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