Family and Friends Forum

Can legal aid demand payment?

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Member since
September 2022

108 posts

A few months ago my OH had a letter from legal aid demanding payment but the solicitors told us he was granted legal aid months ago and to ignore the letter, we didn't earn above the threshold and he is in prison now anyway! He has had a letter come to him in prison from a debt collection agency demanding he pay or they will take legal action such as take him to court. Is this normal? Does this mean my OH was not given legal aid? We can't even see the letter for ourselves unless he posts it out and that takes about a week and the deadline is in 2 weeks as it took so long for the letter to get to him in the first place, it's dated from last month!

It's a lot of money to suddenly fork out but I don't see any other option!

Posted Fri June 9, 2023 9:18am
Edited Fri June 9, 2023 9:19amReport post


Member since
March 2023

20 posts

We had something similar with my son, he also received a letter from a debt collector, in prison, I spoke with his solicitor and he dealt with it, I had to send him any evidence of his financial situation, ie bank statements. the solicitor said something about how legal aid had changed and that you don't automatically get it all paid for now, sometimes you have to contribute towards it. can you contact the solicitor that dealt with it before?

Posted Fri June 9, 2023 12:37pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

108 posts

My OH's father is dealing with it apparently but we've sent the solicitors his bank statements and payslip before he was arrested which is what granted him legal aid in the first place. His father is going to try ringing the solicitors today or next week but it's making me anxious that the deadline to pay is then only a week away. I read that sometimes these letters can be used as a scare tactic, it's not like they can come and take away your property but I don't want my OH back in court over an unpaid bill!

Posted Fri June 9, 2023 1:08pmReport post

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