Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Thu June 13, 2019 2:08pmReport post

So cutting long story short I had the knock over 3 years ago and ex husband has completed suspended sentence and he is om sor for 10 years. My eldest doesn't want to see dad, my youngest just got on with life. Their dad wants to see them and I have stated that he can go to a contact centre. He doesn't agree and will go to court. He has previously seen the children supervised by his parents but it has caused some unsettled situations to the children hence the drastic changes of arrangements. He has stated that court will give him more access on his terms. I am worried as my priority is the well being of my children and what he has done I do not forgive or forget. Please help me as I have had enough of mind games and the law should be there to protect the children. I know he is their biological that but in my eyes after everything he doesn't deserve to dictate what his terms are. I have picked up all the pieces since day one, paid divorce and now I will have to pay court to protect the children. How unfair.

Thank you for reading.


Member since
June 2019

9 posts

Posted Thu June 13, 2019 2:45pmReport post

Hello Filipa,

I imagine your ex-husband is allowed to see the chidren if supervised and I seem to understand that you do not want to be the one supervising. Does he want to be able to see them unsupervised? No-one can force you to be the one supervising, and it's probably unlikely that the court will let him see them unsupervised. In any case, he will have to pay the cost. Why do you think you will have to pay? Unless you are afraid that the court will grant him unsupervised access? Have you phoned the stopitnow helpline for some advice? They might be able to point you to somewhere to get advice.