Family and Friends Forum

Custodial sentence?

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June 2023

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My first time posting, although I've followed and ready many of your stories here and have taken solace knowing I'm not alone.

It's been almost two years since my OH was arrested for possessing indecent images. Today we got a letter to say he's being charged with making images /pseudo images. He says he downloaded a dozen images found on Google that were non-sexual and used them in roleplay conversations on Kik. We have a meeting with the solicitor this week, but the court case is only a fortnight away. I don't know how to get through the next two weeks.

I have read so many varying stories here, and I know it depend on the judge on the day but will be go to jail? We've worked so hard to get past everything and this news has just destroyed everything all over again.

I'm bracing myself for the worst but any experiences would be so welcome.

Posted Tue June 20, 2023 10:02amReport post


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June 2021

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It all depends on a number of things.

How many photos, and what categories , has he done any work to help himself, what the pre report says, references for the judge to read, if he pled guilty from the start or if he is going to.

It does all come down to the judge on the day, there's a lot of cases on here that were told it would be suspended and sent down then there are some that get suspended for less than what someone got sent down for. It's literally like a roll of a dice. We used the words of hope for the best and prepare for the worst it doesn't work much but it's better to be prepared for the worst case scenario

Posted Wed June 21, 2023 7:48am
Edited Wed June 21, 2023 7:49amReport post


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June 2023

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Thank your taking the time to get back to me. It's hard to get through the day, it's all I can think about.

He saw a therapist, and worked through a course he was advised to online. We've tried to keep it as quiet as possible so I don't know who we could go to for references.

I know the solicitor will be able to best advise us and we're speaking to him tomorrow. He said he's confident that it will be a suspended sentence but as you say, prepare for the worst. Every minute seems to be like an hour at the moment though.

Thank you again, really appreciate being able to speak about it. It's just the two of us and it's starting to take it's toll now, we told his parents when the knock first came but they think it's all gone away.

Posted Wed June 21, 2023 10:10amReport post


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June 2021

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My oh was making he got suspended but he had done the lff online modules the inform plus course, worked alongside social services was on the waiting list for a year for the aurora project and spoke to the lff helpline regularly he also pled guilty from the day of the knock which helped.

On the reference front I did one and so did both of his parents even if only you do one it's still something to show the type of person he was before and throughout this

Posted Wed June 21, 2023 12:05pmReport post


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September 2022

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My ex didn't have any references and still got suspended, so it's not essential, but it obviously does help if you can get them. I did offer to do one, but he never asked me to, and there wasn't anyone else as he wouldn't engage with anyone about what was happening.

Posted Wed June 21, 2023 12:27pmReport post

Blue Sky

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Posted Wed June 21, 2023 1:58pm
Edited Fri January 12, 2024 4:16pmReport post


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Blue sky

I just started with who I was to him, how he used to be how he was after the knock how it's effected us all and how we would struggle if it he was to get a custodial.

There's posts on the discussion page if you put it in search I remember there was a lot of talk about it last year when I did mine

Posted Wed June 21, 2023 2:26pmReport post


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Posted Fri June 23, 2023 11:31pm
Edited Thu December 21, 2023 10:08amReport post


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June 2023

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Oh gosh, 21months? Our solicitor says he is a confident it won't be a custodial sentence, I only hope and pray that is true.

The charges on the charge sheet have been listed incorrectly though, and no reply from the cps to our solicitor about the prosecution evidence. The same charge has been listed 3 times.

The trial is only a week or so away and feeling so helpless. I feel like I should be doing something to help but I don't know what. He's just shut down completly and I just want to help make things better but I can't.

Will anything be decided at the magistrates court or will we have more time?

I worry that the fact he was a teacher will be against him, despite the chats not being related to the school.

I'm trying to be hopeful but I'm scared. I just pray the solicitor knows what he is doing

Posted Sat June 24, 2023 11:03amReport post


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Posted Sun June 25, 2023 6:46pm
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


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The dates are the same, all on or before the date he was arrested.

Hoping for some clarity today from the solicitor.

The burden of carrying this is overwhelming but trying hard to be there for him. We told his family soon after it happened, and his dad tried to commit suicide not long after. The strain and some health issues of it just got too much. We've tried to shield them from it as much as possible since. I hope for their sake and our own that it's not a custodial sentence.

Thank you for taking the time to get back to me, it's really helped!

Posted Mon June 26, 2023 9:36amReport post


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June 2023

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Still no news from our solicitor or the cps. Should I be worried?

Our solicitor says it will go to the Crown Court, but I've read cases here of people being sentenced at the magistrates court.

We don't have any references or letters prepared and I don't know how to evidence the online course he's done, or the councilling sessions.

Should I pack a bag for him for next week? He's completly shut down and can't deal with what's happening. He goes to work everyday as normal and then seems to be on autopilot at night. I've told him we have to tell his family this week and he's accepted that, I can't carry this alone any longer.

Posted Tue June 27, 2023 6:54amReport post


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June 2023

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Worrying also if we've chosen the right solicitor. The fees are over £10,000 and am I right in having just read if he's a solicitor he won't be able to represent my OH at crown court?

Posted Tue June 27, 2023 7:27amReport post


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June 2021

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Am I right in saying this is his first appearance for his plea? My oh meet his barrister before the plea and spoke about everything then. After this if he pleds guilty he will have to sign the register, he will have a face to face or phone call to discuss everything to find his risk level for the report which will then be used at court to decide the outcome. References and all relevant information to help his case will then be collected from his solicitor to be used to help build his defence

Posted Tue June 27, 2023 7:15pm
Edited Tue June 27, 2023 7:16pmReport post


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What could we be looking at for Category A b and c

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 2:12pmReport post


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June 2023

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Thanks for the reply, sorry I was pretty frantic yesterday!

We had a call with the solicitor yesterday evening, which has calmed me a little by explaining what happens next. It's the not knowing that scares me most. It's his first plea at the magistrates court. Still no news from the cps but based on the evidence the solicitor has seen he says he is very confident it won't be custodial. I know he can't say for definite but I have to believe he has reason to be so confident.

I spoke to the helpline yesterday, and chatting here is helping. We've still not told his family what is coming Tuesday. The solicitor advised against it until we've had all the information from the cps

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 3:34pmReport post


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June 2021

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It's depends on if it's making, distribution or anything else. My oh was making a,b,c and he got a suspended but he had done a lot of work on himself in the 18 months and showed remorse and admitted guilt from the start

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 4:07pmReport post


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March 2023

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Think it was possession, he was on a chat site, his intention was to basically catfish and report, but he didn't report any,

Posted Fri June 30, 2023 3:45pmReport post


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June 2023

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So the magistrates court process went very quickly, just waiting for the Crown Court date now. Oh signed the SOR last week, and I guess we need to get used to another new normal

We had a knock on the door on Saturday. Two plain clothes police officers checking in with OH to confirm his address. They said it would be a regular thing but didn't say how often or when they'd arrive. I guess it's random spot checks. They were friendly but the idea of the police regularly calling in to the house is so upsetting.

Does anybody have any experience of this? I'm so worried about them turning up regularly and how we explain that to family or friends.

I don't know how he should be preparing for Crown Court. No news from the parole person yet or pre sentence report. I just want this nightmare to end so we can get back to our life, but will life ever feel normal again?

Posted Mon July 10, 2023 12:44pmReport post


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September 2022

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Hi Foxglove, it's normal for them to check shortly after first signing on SOR. After that, it will usually be his VISOR and more spread out, depending on the severity of the offence. It can be once or twice a year to three/four times a year.

Posted Mon July 10, 2023 1:54pmReport post


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June 2021

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He can start getting everything together that his done to help himself like stop it now phonecalls, stop so appointments, doctors, inform plus course and so on.

Has for visor visits we have had alot of help from ours with getting my oh home after sentencing. They have been round once a day or so after signing and once when they came with probation as part of closing out as case. Other than that we've had nothing and sentencing was at least half a year ago

Posted Mon July 10, 2023 2:31pmReport post

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