Family and Friends Forum


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April 2021

6 posts

Hi just looking for some idea

my son was remanded in custody on weds I was told by his solicitor he'd call me when he arrived at prison to tell me where he is

I know he would of rung me but up to now he still hasn't any idea how long the process takes I'm going mad waiting

Posted Mon June 26, 2023 9:39amReport post

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

1127 posts


It can vary greatly between prisons. Remand is usually the closest category B prison. He will need to have given them your phone number to have it approved. I'd give the solicitor another call today to see if they've had an update on where he is so you can call the prison and give your number to them. When you find out where he is, ask for his prisoner ID so you can use the email a prisoner service and you can pay for a reply. It's not a fast service but faster than the post generally speaking and cheaper than calls. He may be too embarrassed to speak to you but at least you'd know that he's safe. I hope you're doing ok and that you've heard from him by now xxx

Posted Mon June 26, 2023 12:09pmReport post


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June 2023

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Posted Wed June 28, 2023 12:14pm
Edited Fri July 7, 2023 12:47pmReport post


Member since
July 2023

13 posts

Hi Victoriacake

Sorry you're going through this. I had to wait six days for calls to be established.

Everything is painfully slow.I called Samaritans and they suggested he didn't WANT to speak to me! Make sure you haven't got private numbers blocked. I think that is something that slowed the process down for me.

Lucy please can you activate my private messaging thank you.

Posted Mon July 10, 2023 4:02pmReport post

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