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The end is in sight

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Member since
November 2018

8 posts

Posted Thu June 13, 2019 8:45pmReport post

guys only you will understand it’s been a long long long 8 months and I feel like I have been to hell and back and the beginning I thought there would be no end to this life changing nightmare. The day he was arrested was the last day I had any contact with him and I’ve taken the decision that he will not see the children as I don not believe they are safe in his care so over night I went from having a great family to being a single parent on my own dealing with this deviating news! But I did it with social works help they aren’t the monsters that people make them out to me (or in my experience) anyway. They want the same as me the best for my children. But 2 weeks ago there was the plea hearing and he pleaded guilty so it won’t go to trial which is great I guess he will be up for sentencing next month The end is nearing and I can’t wait for it all to be over. Sorry for rambling a bit I just want everyone to know

you are stronger that you think

you will get through this

it will come to an end

dont get me wrong it’s still hard at times and I will never understand why anyone let alone a father of 2 children can do such awful things.


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Thu June 13, 2019 9:29pmReport post


You're so right, we are strong even if we don't feel it sometimes. You have done amazingly well, unless you've been through it you don't understand how bloody hard it is. Hard to function, get out of bed, converse, not cry, not miss him even though you believe you have made the right decision!

I'm lucky, I haven't got children with him and my boys are adults, they are so supportive, I seriously couldn't have done this without them along with my parents and a few fabulous friends.

The sentencing is tough, are you going? I did and struggled afterwards with what I heard but there was that part of me that had to know exactly what it was that he's done and why that was so important to him, don't suppose I'll ever know that part!

I've got the divorce to go once he's out of prison, another hurdle to get, but I will!

Well done lovely lady, keep going, you're doing great and are such a wonderful role model for your children xx


Member since
November 2018

8 posts

Posted Sat June 15, 2019 7:42amReport post

Thank you for your kind words I’m not sure about going to the sentencing although I would love to go and see him get sent to prison for what he has done if it went the other way and it was a non custodial sentence I don’t think I would cope to well with that, his offenders office spoke to my social worker and told her he has seen similar cases go either way but I will be glad when it’s out of the way and I can continue to build my life back up.

A way to meet other people in the same situation is something I would love to be a part of especially to people in the early stages because as we all know this is a long draining life changing experience that we have no choice on going through a kind hug and reassurance to someone who needs it could make a huge difference, I have been lucky to have my family to help me through the dark times can’t imagin having no one to turn too :( so yes hopefully sometime soon there will be away to make this happen


Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Sun June 16, 2019 6:36pmReport post

Hi A - sounds really tough. I think you are in a strong position with regards to contact, whatever you decide you want, given the nature of his crime.

agree that SS are not monsters, but can’t help but think that they are very helpful when you are clear you no longer want to be in consptact with your partner, however they are not so helpful if you decide differently.

good luck x