Family and Friends Forum

Court case for custody over his newborn

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Member since
January 2020

11 posts

Posted Tue June 27, 2023 7:03pmReport post

So I posted a long time ago about an incident with my son.

He is now a dad, his son is 9 weeks old. There is court proceedings over him and the mother (she has her own issues) of the baby.

What is the likelihood of him getting custody? Or even access?

She accused of him rape but this was dropped.

He has previously (2019) been interviewed over a Snapchat incident with a minor, no further action was taken.

He was interviewed over sexual misconduct (2016) with a 15 year old. No further action was taken.

He served time in YoI for his part in a gang robbery.

I do not think he is a predator/paedophile. Over the two incidents I've had no social services involvement over him being around his siblings etc.


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Tue June 27, 2023 8:43pmReport post

I don't think anyone can really advise on this without knowing the full details such as how long ago all these things were and where he's at now/what his risk assessment says, plus what risk or not the mother poses, but I would be surprised if he got full custody if I'm completely honest, and if he did I think a significant support package would be put in place.

I can't see why he would be denied contact but it might need to be supported/supervised depending on his risk assessment (eg by you if you are deemed protective)

Social services will be informed of the full history, including the NFAs deemed 'relevant', by the police, if the police do their job correctly.

If the issues with both parents are very significant ss/court may look to assess family members for potential SGO. They can also twin track for adoption, although adoption is extremely, extremely unlikely if family members are willing and capable.


Member since
June 2022

140 posts

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 6:50pmReport post

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Edited Thu August 10, 2023 1:45pm


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 8:15pmReport post

I'm not sure they'd consider a unit due to his past history as there would be a lot of vulnerable young mums and children there, but it is worth asking about specialist foster placements because they are definitely out there. They take a young parent plus baby into experienced foster carers homes and do intensive parenting programmes similar to the units