Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2022

19 posts

When the police were in MY home I wasn't allowed to be told anything by them.

Now I want to know how I would find out about the court case and when it is and they aren't allowed to tell me that either.

I understand it's confidentiality but when it happened in my home too it just makes me frustrated. It's scary how I could've been kept in the dark if my partner at the time didn't tell me. Yet court cases are public but they won't let me know. So now I have to keep checking a website hoping it's accurate. I just feel there's stuff I don't know and if he is still out there. It's like yep we ruined your life too and now you're not allowed to know anything.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Posted Wed June 28, 2023 6:11pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

125 posts

The police didn't tell me a thing, I only found out about charges due to their admin error (which was really helpful for me). It wasn't my fault that the kids opened a letter they shouldn't ....

but ... they did tell me when magistrates was and then dates of crown sentencing. They really wanted me there (at one stage as the dates changed a few times) I couldn't go, and wasn't sure if I wanted to go.

In the end dates changed and I was able to attend. I soon realised why they wanted me there. The law is appalling that we aren't informed of key details particularly when criminal law is beyond doubt and there are children involved.

You can also get the transcript, I applied and got granted it. Not going to lie, it was harrowing even with being at crown as I missed things as it is over whelming.

Some get full disclosure, and great if you can.

Posted Thu June 29, 2023 10:27pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

125 posts

The police didn't tell me a thing, I only found out about charges due to their admin error (which was really helpful for me). It wasn't my fault that the kids opened a letter they shouldn't ....

but ... they did tell me when magistrates was and then dates of crown sentencing. They really wanted me there (at one stage as the dates changed a few times) I couldn't go, and wasn't sure if I wanted to go.

In the end dates changed and I was able to attend. I soon realised why they wanted me there. The law is appalling that we aren't informed of key details particularly when criminal law is beyond doubt and there are children involved.

You can also get the transcript, I applied and got granted it. Not going to lie, it was harrowing even with being at crown as I missed things as it is over whelming.

Some get full disclosure, and great if you can.

Posted Thu June 29, 2023 10:27pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

I was in the same boat as you. Those horrible police ransacked MY home, MY car and looked through MY phone. They even came to ask me questions at a later date, which they turned up unannounced and scared me to death, about who had had access to my house which at the time I didn't understand why they were asking so then was frightened that someone had been in my house I did not know about but I finally know (from paying £12k for a law degree) that the reason they asked me that question along with the others was because they were building the case to try and pin everything on my partner and needed to ascertain certain facts to do so but until I knew that I was thinking allsorts. They never told me anything, all they would say is my partner is a horrible man amongst other things. Luckily my partner allowed me to view all of the evidence and sit in on meetings with his solicitor so I was in the loop but only months after the initial arrest because before that there was very limited information and I couldn't trust my partner 100% because after everything the police said I wasn't 100% the police could be so manipulative and lie - but they can. It's a joke! The police were absolutely vile with me and I will never respect a police officer again in my life after what they did.

Posted Mon July 17, 2023 10:26pm
Edited Mon July 17, 2023 10:27pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

19 posts

It's so bad that there is so many different type of victims in this such as family that just get left behind. I never thought they would come back unannounced, maybes because we are separated and did not take my devices as my ex said he never used them and I was not aware. I guess me being so distraught when I got home satisfied them on that.

Posted Mon July 24, 2023 12:44amReport post

Quick exit