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New school for son

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Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Sun June 16, 2019 9:44amReport post

Hi everyone

i just wondered if anyone knew the answer to my question, it is that my son will start senior school in Sept. my partner is currently released under investigation after being caught by a vigilante group. The child ss case was basically opened and then closed as it was deemed I am a safe parent etc.

But I wondered will my sons current school share the information they currently have about my son with his new school?

I really don’t want to ring his school and ask them myself as I can’t talk about it!

I am thinking they will, even tho then ss case is closed. My partner has no conditions on him at all, still being investigated. I don’t want him to come to my sons new school just in case they know.

My son knows nothing about what has happened but is going to wonder in time why his dad never comes to his school, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.


Mabel x


Member since
June 2019

9 posts

Posted Sun June 16, 2019 11:02amReport post


one of my sons was in primary school while my husband was being investigated and the ss case was open. My son has since moved to secondary school and by the time he did ss had stopped being involved (for now anyway). The primary school said they would send all details to the secondary school and I think they did. However, we have heard nothing from the new school so far and I'm not going to ask! My husband never goes to the school, but it's not as if there are many opportunities to go, except parents' evenings.

I imagine I might hear from them if ss become involved again when my husband is sentenced.

Hope this helps!


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Sun June 16, 2019 11:51amReport post

Hi Christine

thank you so much for your reply.

Yes I do expect the Junior school will pass on what they have, but like you I won’t ask the new school.

yes the good thing about senior school is they don’t have much for parents to attend unlike the Primay schools where there seems to be something nearly every other week!

Thanks again for your reply Christine & best wishes to you & your family

Mabel x


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Posted Sun June 16, 2019 12:55pmReport post

Hello Mabel,

yes the information will be shared with the new school. However rest assured your son will not be the only one with a similar family background. A close friend who is a teacher of a medium size secondary school tells me this is more common than you think. The school will only use the information if they have any further concerns but they should discuss those with you first unless by discussing them they put the child at risk.

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