Family and Friends Forum

Second Interview

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Member since
July 2023

2 posts

Posted Tue July 18, 2023 8:24amReport post

My person just got called for their second interview as they have finished checking the device. We are only 5 months post knock so it's all happening a lot quicker than we thought it would. I just feel so overwhelmed about this next stage with charges and court and potentially prison. I have two young children and my toddler adores his dad and has a really tough time adjusting to dad not living at home anymore, I don't know how he will cope if daddy goes to prison and he can't see him at all. And honestly I don't know how I will cope either, we've just gotten into a rhythm of our "new normal" and routine and now I feel like it's all going to fall apart again.


Member since
October 2022

611 posts

Posted Tue July 18, 2023 9:04amReport post

Deep breaths.

Every time something happens, I go back to day 1 and get very overwhelmed.

make sure your person has legal representation at the second interview. This will also give you a clearer idea of whether a custodial sentence is likely.

Lots of people here have waited a very long time after the second interview to hear charges, so it's possibly still not going to happen quickly.

has your person completed any courses etc? If not, get the signed up to LFF course, stop so counselling, circles or similar to help them address the underlying issues.

big hugs to you xx


Member since
July 2023

2 posts

Posted Tue July 18, 2023 3:51pmReport post


Thanks so much for the reply. I'm trying to breathe through it. It's definitely whenever something happens that I feel like I'm back at day 1 again. I'm already feeling a bit calmer now.

I'm hoping we get a clearer picture on the likelihood of a custodial after Thursday but our solicitor is being pretty vague which having seen what a lottery it is from this forum, is understandable. But, I have a huge nursery bill to pay each month, plus household bills, plus debt payment all of which felt very affordable on two good incomes but is a disaster if he goes to prison. I'm just very scared what the future holds.

Yes, he's currently just over half way through the Lucy Faithfull course and has been seeing a Stop SO therapist privately on a weekly basis for a few months now, he seems to be making positive moves to address the underlying issue.