Family and Friends Forum

Will social services come back?

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Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Posted Fri July 28, 2023 1:47pmReport post

Hi everyone,

My person was arrested for possession in May 2022. We haven't heard anything back from the police yet, but social services were involved, after a few months they decided to close the case.

If my person is charged/sentenced, will social services come back? Will they re-assess and give us new conditions? Could they take our child away because I decided to stay with my partner?

Thank you


Member since
June 2023

45 posts

Posted Fri July 28, 2023 4:44pmReport post

They could. With me they closed the case and 3.5 years later they came back into our lives once all the devices had been examined. So it all really depends on what's found on the devices as to whether they think the existing conditions are still appropriate or not. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news xx


Member since
September 2022

255 posts

Posted Fri July 28, 2023 5:03pmReport post

They should do. But I had to chase for this to happen, probably as we're not together. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but once they know what they are dealing with, they may want to make a new plan. There's lots of information on the forum of people that have been through the process with SS when they've stayed together. But also depending on what your restrictions are now, you will at some point want to move on from that so don't see it as a negative.