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child protection conference

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Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Tue August 1, 2023 9:34pmReport post

My son and his partnr have to attend a child protection confernece, can anyone give avice on what to expect and id anyone has done a safety plan would like some ideas or see an example of a safety plan that has worked.


Member since
April 2023

510 posts

Posted Wed August 2, 2023 9:49amReport post

Hi there - our son's children (son now living with us) are on a Child Protection Plan because of our son's online offences (pre-charging) and also his wife's mental health problems.

Did you know that your son can request that any supportive family members can attend the conferences? It helps to show family support.

My experience is that although parts of it are unpleasant (eg the OIC attends and gives an update which has to be general and non specifiic as not everyone there will need to know full details, but ours seems to enjoy hinting at things) and the over riding theme should be finding ways to keep some stability for the children which is within the family unit. The conference Chairperson should speak to the parents first (our son's also rang us the first time) to explain what's going to happen and to get an idea about the situation apart from just the paperwork and the SW's opinion. We've found it to be very fair and the focus should be on the children and their safety.

Re a safety plan, others here will be able to give more information but it might be enough to stress that there is an understanding one is needed and everyone is prepared to work together to create one. One thing NOT to do is for anyone to imply that the problems aren't all that bad, especially relating to your son's offences, whatever they are. That is a big red flag to the professionals!

Do send me a private message if you have anything specific but I did lots of preparation by reading the Family Rights Group pages about CP plus you can ring them for help and advice.

I know it sounds horrendous but we discovered it wasn't as awful as we'd feared.