Family and Friends Forum

Contact with daughter after prison

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Member since
May 2020

20 posts

Hi everyone,

I haven't posted here in a long time since my soon to be ex went to prison nearly 22 months ago and things are relatively settled. He was given level 4 access to our daughter (who is now 9), although we haven't had inperson visits since honestly I was too anxious. Instead he's been talking to her by phone multiple times a week and via Purple Visits.

He has had little support from OMU and only met his probation officer once, even though he is due to be released in 6 weeks. He just got a new OMU person and has been told he's assessed at high risk once he is out (due to some misconceptions in his Oasis report, which he only saw a couple of months ago). He is going to contest this but apparently this means he wouldn't be allowed any contact with our daughter at all.

Is that up to the probation officer or Social Services? Before he went in, I supervised all contact. The OMU person didn't even know he has level 4 access. It is all so chaotic.

x-posted in case this is more about SS

Posted Thu August 3, 2023 7:57amReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts


Thank you for posting on the Family and Friends forum, we understand that it is not easy to post on a forum about these difficult situations. I can see that you have not yet had a reply on your post, hopefully someone else in a similar situation can reply soon with some support.

If you haven't already done so, I would also encourage you to contact our Stop it Now! helpline. The helpline is anonymous, confidential and free, on 0808 1000 900. One of our trained advisors will then be able to explore your situation in detail and provide some support and do their best to answer your questions. Our trained advisors deal with similar concerns to yours every day and will be able to talk these through with you and offer you the best advice we can.

I hope this has been helpful.

Take care,


Posted Mon August 21, 2023 8:59amReport post


Member since
October 2022

42 posts

We are going through this with you. Though we haven't even reached court stage so I'll follow this post to see if anyone else has gone through it.

Posted Fri September 8, 2023 2:41pmReport post

Quick exit