Family and Friends Forum

Process after evidence sent to cps

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August 2023

20 posts

Hi can anyone help me and let me know what the process is from when the information has been sent to cps please. I know its a very long and slow process, we have been waiting since March so would of thought we will hear soon and i just wanna be prepared of the next steps if decide to prosocute.

Thank you for any help and information given. Im so worried.

Posted Wed August 9, 2023 1:48pmReport post


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March 2023

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I'm in same boat here aswell but not since.march x

Posted Wed August 9, 2023 5:05pmReport post


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March 2022

455 posts

The charges will most likely come in a letter through the post, with a date for him to go to court, or an NFA letter if they decide not to charge, but how long it will take is hard to say. The police and solicitors will have a very rough idea of how long things are taking at the moment, in their area, but nobody will be able to say for sure.

Posted Thu August 10, 2023 10:40amReport post


Member since
August 2023

20 posts

Thank you, i know a time scale is not available i was wondering on the process after, like will he get called in to be charged ( if charged), will he then be released with a court hearing date? i presume for a plee first then a court date ? Im all new to this like you all are was just wondering if anyone has gone past this part that could just outline it through for me.

Hope you are all managing ok, its very hard to deal with all this when in a happy marriage with children for lots of years and you get that knock. Or in my case walk into my home with everyone already in it and world turned upside down. ????

Posted Thu August 10, 2023 11:38amReport post


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Posted Thu August 10, 2023 11:21pm
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
August 2023

20 posts

Thank yoi daffodil he has been in for voluntary interview in march when evidence was then sent to cps, no bail conditions as yet, but he does have social service restrictions in place where his childrwn are concerned.. He recieved a phone call which he missed due to being at work from the investigating officer, they left a message to say thwre has been an update in his case. He left a message back and now just waiting for them to return his call.

Hope you are ok ?

Posted Fri August 11, 2023 5:06amReport post

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