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Haveing a second baby with my husband

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Member since
July 2022

72 posts

Posted Mon August 14, 2023 9:25amReport post

Hi I just wanted some information if any one has had another child with there partner or husband and are known to socail service. I will tell you about about my case my husband was charged for possession of indecent images on his phone the images came from a whats app group that he was on the group was mainly to do with adult porn but people have shared illegal things in that group it is also cleared at he hase surch for the stuff in google and other place but he should have left the group when he say that things were being sent that is not right which he didn't . I already have a boy with him at the time of the offence my son was 6 months we had out assment done with Lucy faith full which the lady has said he is a a low risk to him son and any other children and she also has said if we wanted to get back together in the future she know I will always protect my son my hi and is allowed to see his son unsupervised when he turned 7 she there is no issues with him see his son but my question is if we wanted to become a family together and have another child what will happend I don't want to end up losing my baby at the time when this all happened I decided to split up from my husband as I wanted to protect my little boy but in all that time my husband has paid for the course with Lucy Faithfull and don't other work with his probation to prove that he can be a good dad we can't change what has happens in the past but I wanted to know what is the way forward. My husband barrister has said we don't have to tell anyone if we get together as he sees his son unsupervised but if we was to have a baby socail will get involved but to the extent we had before but do assment to see if I can protect that child my worry is that can I have another baby with him I would love my son to haven a brother or sister but I don't want how lives to become upset down again my little boy is very happy with his dad and loves him a lot and even Lucy faith have said that they can even say he had interest on that grip because it was for adults mainly not for kids and he did talk about kids in the group but he should have left the group and contacted the police I will be very grateful if anyone can give me advice or have gone through the same situation


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Mon August 14, 2023 5:57pmReport post

I am in a similar sort of situation and interested to see any responses. I would like my child to have a sibling and don't want to leave my oh (although we live separately at the moment)


Member since
July 2022

72 posts

Posted Mon August 14, 2023 6:48pmReport post

Hi same like me I am not liveing with husband he comes to see his son I can supervise contcat when my boy is 7 then he can see him unsupervised if you don't mind me asking you what did you husband get done for and has he has his risk assment done .


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Mon August 14, 2023 11:03pmReport post

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Edited Thu November 9, 2023 12:51pm


Member since
July 2022

72 posts

Posted Tue August 15, 2023 9:32amReport post

Hi and by the sounds of it you are quite behind and you don't have socail involved at the moment they normal will contact you when he is charged honestly it's a long way to go even my case is closed still thinking about how it will work out for the future.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Tue August 15, 2023 5:57pmReport post

I can't really say anything on the part of having another but in our safety plan it states that they will get back involved if we decide to have another it also stated that if we had had girls he probably wouldn't of been allowed to move back home. So it could be all down to the gender of the child you end up having too

Edited Tue August 15, 2023 5:57pm


Member since
July 2022

72 posts

Posted Tue August 15, 2023 6:07pmReport post

Thank you for you reply if you don't mind me asking what was your husband done for and are you guys livening togetter and is he a low risk