Family and Friends Forum

So shocked, stressed and upset

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Member since
August 2023

1 post

We have recently had our lives completely overturned after my son was accused of viewing indecent sexual images. I am shocked, ashamed, embarrassed and worried about what is going to happen. He has suffered with mental health issues since being a teenager and is now undergoing treatment as his depression has reached new lows. I will need to support him and his partner with whom he has a child. He wants to move away to escape all the negativity and to make a fresh start. I also would like to move away to escape the shame but want to support his partner and dearly love their child. So I feel like I'm in a catch 22 situation. I feel that I'm not strong enough to bear the shame when his story hits the headlines. Perhaps that's selfish of me. I have no idea what to do and what happens next. Social services are involved but have not spoken to us yet. He is allowed to see his child under our supervision and that of his partner. We really need support now as we're broken.

Posted Fri August 25, 2023 11:23am
Edited Fri August 25, 2023 3:00pmReport post


Member since
October 2022

618 posts

I'm so sorry you find yourself here. These areas of the forum get less traffic than the main discussion page so when you seek advice it is often best to go there.

I don't know exactly what has happened with your son; but it is not certain that his case will end up in the media, lots don't.

As you have probably read, there are lots of mums on here of sons of different ages and with/without children of their own. They can probably offer you more advice, but this week's episode of "the world according to the knock" podcast is about mums, you may find it helpful.

my only other advice I'd be very wary of who you tell, you can't untell someone and you can never be sure how they will react. Lots of people have experience of trusted friends not being as supportive as they would hope.

sending you hugs and strength


Posted Fri August 25, 2023 7:17pmReport post


Member since
April 2023

26 posts

So sorry that this has happened and you find yourself here. My person is also my son. I totally understand your feelings as you try and support your loved ones. The only advice I can give is to take one day at a time and look after yourself too. Xxx

Posted Sat August 26, 2023 10:18amReport post

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