Family and Friends Forum

My stepsons life is moving onward

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Member since
May 2023

63 posts

Posted Sun August 27, 2023 10:05pmReport post

Hi thought I'd put something positive about my 16 year old stepson who was arrested in April.He had his phone & laptop taken but has managed to complete his schooling.He got 7 GCSEs & the plan is for him to start a new 6th form on 7th Sept.

Has anybody experience of how his offence could affect him in 6th form? Will he be able to use the school's computers & devices?At home his Mum reports to the police when he receives new devices so I assume they have controls & are viewed by the police.

Also what's going to happen when he's charged? He has viewed & downloaded cat b & c of 10-16 year old girls when he was 15 as far as I know

Thanks for reading.I'm a lot calmer these days but still feel disconnected from what's going on.Both my adult children still want nothing to do with their stepbrother but he has closed himself away online for a long time & there's a big age gap.My husband desperately wants us all back to a happy family but I'm not sure this will happen in the future

Edited Sun August 27, 2023 10:16pm


Member since
May 2023

63 posts

Posted Mon August 28, 2023 8:20amReport post

He is going to start the Young persons inform course which I think will be good for him to explore & understand what he's done & the effects.


Member since
May 2023

63 posts

Posted Mon August 28, 2023 3:06pmReport post

What reading & courses do u recommend? Any other groups & charities specifically for young offenders.I haven't been able to talk much with him about what he's done because I felt so upset & anxious.Hus Mum,Dad & maternal grandparents have been very supportive but not much talking.So tough to communicate with teenagers let alone over such a difficult subject.

Thanks for your support


Member since
March 2021

400 posts

Posted Thu September 7, 2023 11:55pmReport post

Hi, just catching up on posts. Really hope your son has been allowed to start college and that the risk assessments around this have gone well.



Member since
May 2023

63 posts

Posted Fri September 8, 2023 11:11amReport post

Thanks as far as I know him starting 6th form at a school is going ok.His Dad has briefly spoken on the phone to him