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January 2019

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Hi just want to see if any of you out there have heard anything from your investigation? The wait is really the worst but we are here for you. Surely there must be something the police can do to speed up these sorts of things! X

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 7:03amReport post


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June 2019

56 posts

Good Morning Rainbow

Other than hearing it should be 2-3 months for the decision to be made now. I chased a couple of weeks ago.

Depending on which force, I suppose it’s different?! Ours are recruiting for technology forensics etc, so think it’s more workload than staff at the moment. And then the knock on is that CPS have so many cases to answer as well...x

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 7:33amReport post


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June 2019

236 posts

I can't bare the thought of waiting upto 2 years to get through this pile of poo. Sorry politest way I could word it.

I would be interested to hear from those whose partners have been sentenced as to what they got and for doing what. Just to see if there is any continuity to sentencing around the UK.

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 8:14amReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi Rainbow

we are one year on since the arrest of my partner and we have neard nothing from the police. He was released under investigation so there is no timescale apparently!

Yes it really depends on where you live, crazy system, very frustrating and there is nothing we can do about it.

Yes I too would be really interested to know in other peoples timescales and outcomes

Mabel x x

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 10:42amReport post


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January 2019

282 posts

There doesn't seem to be any consistency with the wait. I just think they should do it sooner than they do as everyone says its dangerous etc etc yet professionals are quite happy for it to carry on for months. My husband got a 3 year order for viewing 26 images. They didn't know where images came from but he did mention a site when he was questioned so that probably didn't help but then they say to tell the truth. No evidence of searching and no illegal sites were visited. He pleaded not guilty. X

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 4:20pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

56 posts

Hi. How are you all feeling today?

I feel it’s going to go over the 2 year mark before charging decisions are made.

I go through spats of different emotions, but keep it together more for my girls now than ever. Protecting my eldest is my priority as she will understand and knows a bit already.

Its my youngests birthday soon so we’re getting excited for that.

The only thing keeping me going is that things would soon spiral in a downward direction if I didn’t!

Do I ask the same questions as everyone else? How did I not know? Am I that stupid I didn’t see signs? How can someone live a ‘normal’ life and behave in such a way, living a separate life?!


Posted Thu July 4, 2019 8:15pmReport post


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November 2018

54 posts

We are now a year since knock. The wait is ludicrously unbearable. He is under investigation but no longer on bail. It went to cps before xmas they sent back as wanted more evidence from laptops and phones it went back to cps just under a month ago and yet still no decision. Nobody tells us anything. I just dont understand why all the waiting if they have what they need they should come to decision and get it sorted. I'm sorry but they wouldn't let animals live like this xx

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 10:53pmReport post


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March 2019

243 posts


i am in Scotland so the system could be different. Our sons crime was communicating with a 14/15 year old. Time scale for us, son arrested June, court February. He was sentenced to one year in prison and two years on the outside. What he did was wrong and he’s now paying the price for it. The courts take no notice of whether the girl was quite ok with chatting or not. They say that until the person is 18 they do not have the maturity to say they want to have a sexual chat or not. Like everyone on here the waiting was a living hell. It’s also a living hell now that he’s in prison. Fortunately he has not had any issues so far but I’m learning fast that your only two minutes away from running into problems while in prison. We are lucky that our son has never done drugs. From what he says most trouble starts because of drugs in there. I have not slept a whole night in a year now and don’t think I will until this thing is finally done with and he’s back home. We have supported our son because he has told us the truthfrom thedayhewas arrested. He’s well aware if this happened again we would unlikely be as supportive. Here’s to all of you waiting to get closure as soon as possible.

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 11:21pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Dottie

My husband was given a custodial sentence for viewing 100's and 100's of cat A images and a few videos in the same category. They also said that's as many if not more had been deleted.

He got a 16 month sentence reduced to 12 for pleasing NG at his 2nd appearance. He was told he's got to serve 6 months. He's also got 10 years on the shpo and the register.

He's currents served just over 3 months and should be out towards the end of September.

The waiting is awful, his was over and done with in 12 months so lucky really but didn't seem like it at the time!!


Posted Thu July 4, 2019 11:22pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Hi guys

my husband has been under investigation since October 2018, they have looked at his devices and apparently it’s just gone to cps for a decision, the original charge was facilitating to abuse a minor as he was talking to another man about a child, but as they found no evidence of meeting etc they are now looking at possession because he clicked on thumbnails in chat rooms, he thinks he’ll get a caution but I’m not so sure, tbh I think he’s burying his head in the sand!

Posted Thu July 4, 2019 11:34pmReport post


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June 2019

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Your husbands case is the closest to mine and I think he will have a longer stretch. Apparently images in all categories as well as chatting to a 17 year old. There are mitigating circumstances in the fact that he realised he had an issue he had to sort because he knew it was wreaking his life and knew it was very wrong, so he had started sex therapy. This was just before my daughter and her boyfriend found the images on his phone.

He is now continuing with a new therapist and going to do the inform course, as am I.

Posted Fri July 5, 2019 5:55amReport post

Trying to keep it together

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February 2019

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My other half has been under investigation since dec 2018. Similar to JB72's husband- all chat and some links clicked but nothing from police and not even with cps yet

Posted Fri July 5, 2019 11:02amReport post


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June 2019

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As rubbish as it is, it is some what calming to know we are all in a similar boat, sadly.

Can I ask if your husbands/partners/sons have been advised of situations to avoid?

As myself and my ex-husband had already separated I haven’t known much at all. I truly believe the only reason he told me he had involvement with the police was because he got arrested at work. I work in the same place so people were gossiping.

Now I know what I know because I had to give a statement.

The police advised me that he had been advised to have supervised contact with children. Then months later, said he had been advised of situations to avoid...

Posted Fri July 5, 2019 11:31amReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Hi guys

sillyac my husband hasn’t been advised of anything! which concerns me because originally when he was on bail I was told he should be careful in public places in case it came back to bite him (for example we were invited to a wedding not long after the knock where there was going to be other children so it would be better for him not to be there) however he is no longer on bail and even though our social services rules state only supervised contact with our daughter by me there are no other stipulations, obviously he is not putting himself in any awkward positions but there are no hard and fast rules which is confusing!?!?

Posted Fri July 5, 2019 8:27pmReport post


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June 2019

56 posts


thank you for your reply. I’ve not heard anything from SS thankfully. BUT, if my children were still going to their Dads I’d have kicked myself did finding this out later on!!

The whole thing just freaks me out and leaves me so anxious and filled with all sorts of emotions.....I just don’t know what to make of any of it.

hope you’re all feeling ok today x

Posted Fri July 5, 2019 9:38pmReport post

Quick exit