Family and Friends Forum

Child service’s nightmare

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Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Fri September 1, 2023 2:16amReport post

Hi everyone!

I haven't been on for a long while but I'm here again looking for advice from you lovely people.
So my OH was charged in 2020 for a small amount of indecent images A-C and some prohibited. He went to prison in 2021 and served 9 months. During the time from arrest to sentencing we had supervised contact between my OH and my children and we maintained our relationship even though he moved out to live with his mother. On release we were reassessed and supervised contact was allowed again and then unsupervised contact in the community.

18 months ago my OH became unwell and has become disabled (suspected motor neurons) He is dependent on me as a carer.
Shortly after his sudden illness, his mother died and he lost his home as it has to be sold. He is now homeless and living on the sofa at my mum and dads house. I didn't want him ideally to come home till our 2 boys were 18, but we made the decision he does need to be at home with us sooner and be cared for.
All agencies are really behind him coming back home, he has not showed signs of reoffending and has done everything he can to work with probation and his SO manager. but social services are not happy about it at all. Theyre really dragging their feet with making a decision, and my social worker has given me the heads up that she thinks it's going to be a No. My eldest boy is 17 in January and my youngest is 15 they have written to the SS manager asking her to help us be a family again and have expressed how worried they are about their dad living alone, and I have told them I'll do whatever is needed to make it work.
My question is... If SS say no to my OH coming home, can I appeal? What can I do? I want to fight it but have no idea what rights we'll have. Or is that it?
If it helps I know My OH's SHPO says no unsupervised contact with anyone under 16 unless authorised by social services.

Can anyone advise please?

many thanks



Member since
June 2023

60 posts

Posted Fri September 1, 2023 11:18amReport post

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Edited Fri September 1, 2023 11:26am