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Family relationships

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Member since
December 2018

17 posts

My husband is weeks away from his final court date. He has been charged with making (electronic) qand possession of 11 images. We both have siblings who all have very young children as well as 2 young boys ourselves. Our social worker states that as soon as he finishes his final report approx 4 weeks after the court date my husband van return home and they will close the case. I can only see this as good!! However our siblings are all very adamant that he will not see their children or even them and he has been deleted from social media's. While I naturally understand their initial concerns this is a massive cause of upset for me and my parents/in laws, does anyone have any idea of what he can do to repair his relationships with them or any good news stories. It causes me the most stress in all this aside from it being in the paper and I worry about how much my boys will miss out .

Posted Sat July 6, 2019 9:50pmReport post


Member since
February 2019

32 posts

I don't have any kids but I can say from my experience that family members can feel so much hurt and also feel so wronged. What has happened is a shock to everyone and I guess it scares people. I know when I told my sister that my first statement was basically telling her that her son was ok (who was 3 at the time). I was worried that she would assume that he had done something physical as well as having images. I had thought if I was a parent and my child had interaction with someone with this offence it would be a fear of mine.

I hope, like it has been said that time heals and things improve. So much trust has been lost but I do believe relationships can be rebuilt, they will not be the same but there is potential. Unfortunatly it takes so much patience when all we want is things to be alright again x

Posted Mon July 8, 2019 8:22pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Confusedandlonely that's good about as. Will you have your husband return home? What did ss say about why he can return etc? X

Posted Tue July 9, 2019 6:46amReport post


Member since
December 2018

17 posts

Hi Rainbow,

Yes I am having my husband return home. My boys are very little and I feel thats in there best interest and then we can try and rebuild our relationship or make a decision about the future with a bit less grey cloud over it! Social services were OK about him coming home as they said we had both been so honest about it all, no concerns about my boys even with them being little etc.

Won't quite believe it until it happens though!

Posted Tue July 9, 2019 8:52amReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Oh that's good to hear. I'm glad you had some positivity from this. I hope all goes well at court and you get the best possible outcome x

Posted Tue July 9, 2019 3:53pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

2 posts

I am very sorry to read that.. it's a really very difficult situation.

Posted Sat March 21, 2020 11:28pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi confusedandlonely

This is really a good news that your husband is coming home and you can see positivity in Ss process. In our area they are not helpful at all. Despite of all good reports we are still having very limited contact. Even social worker said to us that all they are worried about is Ofsted rating. I always think that their way to manage the risk is by kicking a husband out and try to split the family.

Anyways when my husband committed his offense his sister disowed him at the time. But by the time passing by and she saw him making good changes in his life and his caring nature she finally resume the relationship. I believe patience is a key for everything.

Posted Sun March 22, 2020 11:23pmReport post

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