Family and Friends Forum

Legal process in Ireland

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Member since
September 2023

16 posts

Hello all,

I posted my circumstances in the general discussion board but I thought I'd reach out here for a more specific inquiry.

I can't find any information on how the process works in Ireland, it seems different to the UK altogether. In the UK it seems the suspect is questioned very quickly after the first knock, but here in Ireland it's been two months since my son received the knock in our family home and no one is able to give me any insight into what's happening and what will happen.

Is there anyone from Ireland that could shed some light on the process? Do they wait until all their devices have been analysed before asking for an interview?

We are under so much stress not know what's happening and any information would be so gratefully appreciated.

Thanks x

Posted Thu September 7, 2023 7:44amReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts


Thank you for posting on the Family and Friends forum, we understand that it is not easy to post on a forum about these difficult situations. I can see that you have not yet had a reply on your post, hopefully someone else in a similar situation can reply soon with some support.

If you haven't already done so, I would also encourage you to contact our Stop it Now! helpline. The helpline is anonymous, confidential and free, on 0808 1000 900. One of our trained advisors will then be able to explore your situation in detail and provide some support and do their best to answer your questions. Our trained advisors deal with similar concerns to yours every day and will be able to talk these through with you and offer you the best advice we can.

I hope this has been helpful.

Take care,


Posted Mon September 25, 2023 9:25amReport post


Member since
December 2021

44 posts

Hi BabyBlue22,

I am also in Ireland as well. Deep breath. You have had an awful shock and must be so upset. It is horrendous. The uncertainty about the future. Please know that you are not alone.

It will be 2 years in October since we had the knock on the door about our son and we have not heard anything yet. It seems, they look at all the devices before they do an interview. I am afraid to make contact with the Gardai I am so afraid what they will say. It is not a quick process in Ireland. Have you been in touch with a solicitor yet? Our son has linked in with one for when he is interviewed, if he will be interviewed.

Our son was 19 when the Gardai called to our door, he is in college. Our son will be 21 in October. He calls the Stop It Now Helpline in the UK. The Gardai gave us the information for the group, we would be lost without it. The Gardai said we had to go on living our lives as normal while we waited, not an easy thing to do.

I kept feeling there must be something I should be doing to try and make this right but there is nothing we can do, totally out of our hands. All we can do is try and support our sons carry on with their lives as best they can for the moment. Please take care of yourself too and take any support you can get.

Please keep checking in with this group. I would be totally lost without it.

Sending hugs and strength BabyBlue 22

Posted Mon September 25, 2023 9:20pmReport post


Member since
September 2023

16 posts

Hey CM,

I'm sorry you're going through this hell for so long. The timeframes make no sense to me, you read in the paper people having I over within a year, why such a difference?

My son had a call from the investigator a week ago asking for a password for his laptop. The Investigator said it was the last device they had to check. My son asked the Investigator if he had received the email from his solicitor asking to keep communication between the solicitor and the Investigator. He responded "I have acknowledged that email and we have no need to involve your solicitor at this time, I'm sure you can read between the lines ".

God knows what that means. Kept in the dark as usual.

Hope you're keeping it together as it's a tough time for everyone

Posted Tue September 26, 2023 5:28pmReport post

Quick exit