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case closed but device destroyed

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Member since
August 2022

28 posts

Hi everyone, my person was told recently that his case was closed by the person in charge of inventories. His case was supposedly closed months ago but we had never been notified of anything until they asked us to pick up his laptop. Initially, both his laptop and phone were seized.

We asked for a formal letter telling us no further actions were taken and were told we would get one.

Thing is his phone has not been returned. It can't be located.

They told us the reason why is it might have had to be destroyed as he had admitted to something during his arrest and returning it would be a crime.

I am so confused. Why destroy it if no evidence was found and it's NFA? And why return his laptop then?

Part of me is really scared the case is not actually closed.

Posted Wed September 20, 2023 8:45amReport post


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Hi Turlam - it makes sense: He's admitted during his interview to it, so if there's anything illegal on it, it is a crime to return it.

I wouldn't worry about it, just standard procedure.

I think you're incredibly lucky that they are closing the case.

I have read on here that they can still caution you, if you admit to it, but they couldn't find evidence xx

Posted Wed September 20, 2023 11:52amReport post


Member since
August 2022

28 posts

thank you so much for your reply!

What is confusing me the most is that they returned his laptop.

I know that he was watching that type of content on his phone not his laptop because he told me but but he didn't specify which one of the two devices he used to the police.

So it could just be a coincidence but it freaks me out

Posted Wed September 20, 2023 12:31pmReport post

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