Family and Friends Forum

Update - slightly confused

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Member since
May 2019

56 posts

So we had the knock two and a half weeks ago. He was released without bail conditions. Cat A. B and C images will be found.

Police came around again today and couldnt access my phone without the design code...which i find starage that they have advanced softwear etc and cant figure out a design which is actaully super obvious if you tilt the phone. Anyway. They have processed his phone now and are going to do mine next. Great. Then he will be called in for another interview.

They asked me about SS and i said they had done their assessment and signed us off but i said that theyll probably be in contact again once its gone to court and the police guy said that they dont refer again??? So will they be in contact again or not? I dont get it.

Either way hes still moving out. I just feel so indifferent about him now and his stupid face is making me mad being in the house. I just need to sort my finances out before he goes seen as though hes made me lose my job. What a chopper.

Ive also decided to go to court and get a child arrangement order and SIO against him so he has supervised access to the children and he so he cant collect from schools/nursery etc. Because like hell im going to get my children taken off me by SS because of his stupid actions. I want to do all the safeguarding i can so they have no reason to be in our lives at all.

Will SS be ok with sticking to the child srrangement order if it is set up and its supervised contact etc?? or will they even be in contact again? I dont get it

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 10:05amReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi whyus

Am sorry to read your story, but you sound like you are really doing well and are very level headed!

I would be interested in this question about ss being involved after it has gone to court, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t as well!

Mabel x

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 12:23pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


Im in Scotland so the social services rules may be different. Also it was our son who commited a communication offence. Social services called our daughter when he was arrested as she has a toddler son. Over the phone they said supervised contact only and that was that.

Fast forward to conviction. A social worker came out once. Reiterated that it can only be contact under our supervision when he comes out which we said we would be doing anyway. Social worker said she would not be back when our son comes home from prison unless they get a report of our son having unsupervised contact with the little one. Not sure if social services rules are different by where you live though.

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 3:46pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

12 posts

2nd time I had assessment by social services they said supervise closed case. My ex due out prison he got order I have had no updates on restrictions. His family say no contact with me or kids. I feel confused has no one professionally been in touch about restrictions.

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 5:16pmReport post

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