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Formal complaint SS

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Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

hi - of those of you who have had a turbulent time with SS through this, especially those who were thinking of staying together as a family unit in the long run, have you ever made a formal complaint to them? And if so did it make things better?

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 3:29pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I made a formal complaint to social services, we started with an informal one which was 'lost' by them. After a series of mistakes, paper work issues etc we were advised to make a formal complaint by a duty social worker. Our complaint was not about social services involvement or decision etc but errors, process not being followed, appalling paperwork. Our complaint was backed up by professionals and school also writing a letter of complaint. I did not complain about anything I could not evidence. It did make things much better, I recieved a formal apology and we got a new social worker who was really lovely and knew what she was doing. People had said to me dont complain as it makes things worse but in the end the level of errors etc could not be ignored and I'm really glad I made the formal complaint.

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 5:11pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Thanks Maria. Yes, mine wouldn’t be about decisions, but process and paper work has been awful. My solicitor saying the latest thing warrants a formal complaint but have tried my hardest not to go down that route.

Did they ever try and charge you to go on a course ? And what course were they satisfied for you to attend that made them feel like they had ticked the right box?

Posted Fri July 12, 2019 6:03pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I think as long as your complaint is genuine, factual and worded well then there should be no issue complaining formally. You can always get your solicitor to check the complaint. I didn't go on any courses and wasnt asked to attend any. I'd already done most of what they would have asked me to do well before they said anything, but going on a course etc I'd made enquiries about myself but none where really suitable or relevant to me, I did also discuss the inform course with Lucy faithful practitioner but we agreed it wasnt really relevant or useful to me. What course did they ask to you to go on and pay for?. I would have just done anything they asked me to do to be honest, I always did more than they asked and did my own research, looked into courses, spoke with professionals, did bits on parents protect website, stop it now etc, looked into risk and managing risk, family plans etc. Sadly the advice and offers of help was all too little and too late, luckily I am the way I am or I may have struggled as I'm sure many people do.

Posted Sat July 13, 2019 2:41pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Hi maria

they have now changed their mind about the first course and so are looking at another one. I don’t rely on them for anything - it feels like they don’t know what to do with us. I think they wish I would just leave him as it would make their lives easier.

It’s made more complicated because 8 months in the police still not come back to us with anything other than they are still waiting on computer forensics. I swear by the time this is over it will be years since the alleged offence! And my partner saying he didn’t search for indecent or knowingly look at indecent images as websites with nude pictures he used said people on there were 18 or over. But who knows what the truth really is - which is why I am supervising but partner still at home.

Posted Sun August 4, 2019 1:53pmReport post

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