Family and Friends Forum

Son has been charged

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Member since
October 2023

2 posts

Posted Wed October 4, 2023 8:57amReport post

My Son had the doorknock last July and had all electronics taken. He has just heard that he's being charged with all of the categories both images and videos. He has lost his jobs, the place he lives so he's living out of his car. He has the magistrates court this month, but the police have said it will probably go to Crown court and this can take up to another year. I'm absolutely beside myself as a Mum. I don't have the room to put him up or else I would. He can see his life falling apart and has spoken about ending it all...any advice would be hugely appreciated as to what I should or shouldn't be doing.


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

Posted Wed October 4, 2023 2:09pmReport post

Please if you can take your son in even if it's to sofa surf. He needs someone in his corner helping him. Take anything the police say with a pinch of salt but if it does go to crown then he could be in this limbo for a long time yet. Lots of mums on here that can give advice x


Member since
September 2023

876 posts

Posted Wed October 4, 2023 2:53pmReport post

My heart goes out to you reading this. As a mum myself I know how devestating it is to watch your son lose everything. I am in the fortunate position that I was able to take my son in so I can only imagine the additional anxiety it must cause you to know that your son is living in his car.
In my sons case he had magistrates court a month after the charges were given and crown court a month after magistrates court. I know different places have different time frames but 12 months seems a very long time between magistrates and crown court.
In our local area, all cases initially go to magistrates court and those that can't be dealt with there are then referred to crown court. Once he receives a date for magistrates court he will need to find himself a solicitor who will support him through the plea hearing. At the end of the magistrates hearing the person is given their date for crown court. During these weeks he will need to get his character references and evidence of the work he has been doing on himself. Has he had therapy and/or attended the LFF course or online modules? If he has he will want to gain evidence of this ready for crown court. If he hasn't then that's what I would suggest he works on while waiting for the court attendance.


Member since
March 2024

50 posts

Posted Thu March 7, 2024 1:12pmReport post


Sorry to hear about your son. My son went to magistrates last month and is in crown this month. He will get a date when he attends magistrates.

I hope this helps


Member since
September 2023

876 posts

Posted Thu March 7, 2024 10:25pmReport post

Hi Dad, my thoughts go out to you and your son.


Member since
June 2022

175 posts

Posted Fri March 8, 2024 4:48pmReport post

Hi Losingmyson71,

So sorry are are facing such challenging times. There is specialist support available for your son.

If you haven't already contacted them, I can recommend contacting 'Circles' and 'Safer Lives' for their guidance and advice.

Both of these are very experienced in this area, and the staff include lots of highly experienced ex-probation people. They are incredibly supportive, non-judgemental and really do want the best for us and for the perpetrators in our lives.

Safer Lives in particular focus on supporting offenders' mental health and wellbeing - including addressing suicidal feelings. An extract from their website might be helpful: "Have you been arrested for offences involving indecent images, sexual communications, voyeurism, or indecent exposure? Do you feel overwhelmed and isolated? Whether you've been released on bail, are under investigation, or awaiting court dates, know that you're not alone. We offer independent and non-judgmental advice and guidance tailored to your individual situation. Our one-to-one services give specialised welfare and behavioural support, helping you gain clarity and move forward in a way that is safe for you and others."


Member since
April 2024

520 posts

Posted Wed May 1, 2024 11:01amReport post

Hi, I took my ex in to sleep on my living room floor after he lost his accommodation after his second arrest. I took him in because I was vulnerable and the Police put pressure on me, I could keep an eye on him etc. I really, really regret it. The Police turned up regularly unannounced. What I thought would be a few months turned into nearly two years because of the delays at Court. I've still got the possibility of people around where I live finding out after he's sentenced because the Police put his mug shot, name and address etc on FB.
This is just my opinion but you can absolutely support your son but I would take him to the Council and make a homeless application and go from there. All the very best to you. X
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