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NHS Job at risk?

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Member since
October 2023

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Posted Fri October 6, 2023 2:36pmReport post

Hi guys,

My partner, who I live with, is undergoing investigation for having images on his devices.

I'm starting a new role in the NHS as a therapist (so I'll be working with vulnerable adults, maybe children but I'm not sure yet) in the upcoming months and wondering if he gets charged, will they tell me workplace. The officer that arrested him said something about them telling my place of work if I decide to stay with him when he is charged. Has anyone had this happen?

Should I declare the investigation even though it has nothing to do with me?

Also, if they did tell my work, would I lose my job?

Furthermore, would this go on my dbs moving forward?

I'm extremely panicked and split between wanting to support him but not wanting to ruin my future. Both my mental health and his are at a ridiculous low. I just need to know if we could have a future together or not.

Thanks xx


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September 2023

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Posted Sat October 7, 2023 1:17pmReport post

Hi, I wanted to reach out to you after reading your post. Could you send me a PM so I can make contact with you that way. Thank you


Member since
October 2023

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Posted Sun October 8, 2023 9:57pmReport post

I'm so sorry to hear your worries. I work in a school and I told them as soon as I found out. They've been super supportive as has my line manager. I'm not sure what the best way forward is for you but the people on here have some very good advice and are extremely supportive. I hope all goes well for you x


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February 2023

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Posted Tue October 10, 2023 3:45pmReport post

I would declare it to demonstrate your openness and honesty. If he lives with you it might go on your DBS. It shouldn't affect your job in any way, other than they might do a LADO referral/a risk assessment (they did a LADO referral for me and they advised no action and that was it)


Member since
October 2023

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Posted Tue October 10, 2023 7:47pmReport post

I had my meeting to go back to work today. It was with the head and my senior manager. They were very glad I'd told them what had happened straight away. LADO still did a check on me though and one on my OH. At the meeting the head had to read out what LADO had found out which wasn't anything I didn't know. I'm presuming they looked for the Facebook footage as until he's charged would there be anything to find on him. Although they were lovely it was extremely embarrassing and emotional.


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October 2023

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Posted Tue October 10, 2023 10:01pmReport post

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Edited Wed October 11, 2023 12:13pm


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December 2021

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Posted Sat October 14, 2023 9:09amReport post

I work in the NHS and on the day of the knock was due to be interviewed via Teams for a more senior position. I knew the interview panel very well and they kindly rescheduled my interview until things settled. When I eventually calmed down I explained what had happened and asked if it was worth going through the interview process as my work covered working with both adults and children. I was encouraged to continue with the interview process (HR were also aware) and I got nothing but kindness and support. How I got through that interview a week later I will never know but I was successful and am still working in my new position. Everybody in my department knows what happened mainly due to the horrendous media coverage following the plea hearing and then sentencing however, my immediate manager silenced the gossipers and threatened disciplinary action to anyone discussing my situation. Thankfully I got a lot of love and support from the kindest people I have ever met with the exception of one person who was never liked and had since left. My DBS is up for renewal next year and again I have expressed concerns if anything will show up, I have been reassured even if there is a mention of association I do not need to worry as HR and my manager already know my situation and it would be their decision if any action was required.
I know there are some variations in school settings in the way different forum users have been treated but my advice would be to be open and honest with your manager from the start. I hope things work out work wise for you as they have for myself.
best wishes Katie xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun October 15, 2023 7:03amReport post

I personally would tell your workplace. I decided not to tell them of my son's arrest and within a day it was flagged up by LADO.

Edited Sun October 15, 2023 7:04am


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October 2023

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Posted Mon October 30, 2023 8:33amReport post

Hi Guys,

Thank you so much for all your replies.

A couple more questions based on these, so I don't start my new role in the NHS until the new year and have never worked for the NHS before. So you think it best to wait until I start to speak to my manager as I haven't even met them yet?

Also does anyone have anymore info on the LADO process.

I'm actually so stressed with it all. I dont even know if we will still be together so wondering if I should wait until I officially start and if we are still together, tell them then?

Thanks again guys xx

Edited Mon October 30, 2023 8:44am


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September 2023

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Posted Mon October 30, 2023 6:32pmReport post

Hi, I didn't confide in my manager until after sentencing when media coverage meant that everyone knew. Although I am aware there has been some general talk about it no one has treated me any differently or said anything about it to me.

I think you have a couple of options to consider. You could let your manager know what has happened if this would reduce your anxiety levels about starting your new role or you could wait until you start the job and then tell them only when you have to, for example if and when it impacts on your ability to do your job. The other option is that you could contact the HR department and let them know.

You need to remember that you've done nothing wrong and unless your professional registration requires you to inform your employer then you don't need to tell them anything you don't want to.

sorry but I can't help with the Lado question as this isn't something I've encountered.

Edited Mon October 30, 2023 6:33pm

Just want an end to it

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October 2023

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Posted Mon October 30, 2023 8:52pmReport post

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Edited Fri March 1, 2024 6:57pm


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February 2024

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Posted Sun February 25, 2024 8:49amReport post

My bitter experience has taught me that these things do come out in the end, so would say you need to disclose it. I wish I had.


Member since
April 2024

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Posted Wed May 1, 2024 11:47amReport post

Hi, I had two relatives who worked in the NHS at the time of my ex's arrest and eventual conviction. They said they could lose their jobs "by association ". You will have to disclose it in case it comes out in the media. I suspect if you are seemingly "supporting " your partner, the NHS may well take a dim view. All the very best to you. Xx
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