Family and Friends Forum

'Informed decision'

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Member since
October 2023

13 posts

Posted Mon October 9, 2023 9:27amReport post

Anybody else sick of hearing this phrase from children's services?

Ie they want me to end my relationship but they can't tell me that straight up because its against human rights as everyone has the rights to a family life


Member since
November 2022

259 posts

Posted Mon October 9, 2023 6:29pmReport post

Very much so annoyed by this wording and my personal pet peeve "minimlising" the situation when you're really not.

I've had two sw's suggest divorce to me by saying things like "oh if it were me I would be getting divorced" or "I can most definitely understand the want to get divorced" etc.

I've made it very and I mean very clear to them that I don't believe in divorce.

they make you feel like you're not a good parent or good person because you want to make decisions based on what you know. That doesn't mean that you're not looking in to every conceivable reason etc. but they do like to not have to put the work in so it would be easier for them for you to seperate


Member since
April 2023

43 posts

Posted Mon October 9, 2023 6:35pmReport post

Absolutely! I find everything our sw says is so opinionated rather than factual and its got very personal. "I think" "I would"...


Member since
December 2020

2 posts

Posted Fri October 13, 2023 4:47pmReport post

The judgment on the non offending parent is often worse than the one on the offender. My partner offended before we even started dating, 4 years later and two kids people are praising him for the steps taken but judging me for having kids with him. I have been in this situation for years, done research on the topic and did all to protect my girls from the minimal risk he is posing accordingly to the statistics however the simple fact I am with him makes me a bad parent. And when I present studies they tell me I don't have when I ask what else I should do, they say I should know it...