CIN Modules
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Hi all - I am on a CIN plan due to husbands IIOC with Surrey.
We had an assessment social worker before we were allocated a day-to-day social worker. She has run 1 CIN meeting and 2 visits. At the visits she said we had to work through some modules so I asked how many - there are 8.
The first one was about our financial situation, the second was about where did I want to be in 5 years with my life. I have no idea what the other 6 are or what they are trying to achieve. Where I plan to be in the next 5 years, I actually found very upsetting as I really have no idea other than limbo for next 1 to 2 years and then who knows after court etc. I was just left feeling very angry over the changes to my life as a result of someone else's actions. I started to question the need for these "modules" are they support or constant assesssments?
I clearly said all the right things....maybe we will be together if everything he says is true, maybe we will not if he is hiding things....
Maybe this is just a rant, but any thoughts or advice welcome too.
We had an assessment social worker before we were allocated a day-to-day social worker. She has run 1 CIN meeting and 2 visits. At the visits she said we had to work through some modules so I asked how many - there are 8.
The first one was about our financial situation, the second was about where did I want to be in 5 years with my life. I have no idea what the other 6 are or what they are trying to achieve. Where I plan to be in the next 5 years, I actually found very upsetting as I really have no idea other than limbo for next 1 to 2 years and then who knows after court etc. I was just left feeling very angry over the changes to my life as a result of someone else's actions. I started to question the need for these "modules" are they support or constant assesssments?
I clearly said all the right things....maybe we will be together if everything he says is true, maybe we will not if he is hiding things....
Maybe this is just a rant, but any thoughts or advice welcome too.
As a SW I haven't heard of these modules, which is an odd choice of word. Have you said you want help with finances? I would ask what the modules are, whether they are for an assessment or part of some kind of support package, and what theory of assessment or intervention they are based on. Sounds super outdated, almost like an old fashioned parenting capacity assessment. I haven't used questionnaires such as this with families for many years and unless there are multiple issues you need support with I would question their relevance or usefulness
Also on CIN you don't HAVE to do anything, the whole thing is voluntary. So if there are 8 modules and you quite like the look of 2 but not the other 6 you can ask for this. They could say it's all or nothing, and then you have the right to say no thank you
I've looked into this and believe it might be based on the Hertfordshire model developed in 2015. I could be wrong but this is the only 8 module programme I've found
If you Google 'the family safeguarding intervention model' you should get further info about it. It's essentially a parenting capacity assessment which incorporates some level of intervention based on Motivational Interviewing, trying to be holistic in their assessment and understand how issues link together.
It looks like it's been useful in the 5 local authorities that have implemented it but interestingly in a 2020 review it was highlighted by many social workers that all 8 components or modules should not be compulsory for every family and that discretion should be permitted.
Personally I hate these one size fits all approaches and I hope your SW is able to use discretion to make it relevant to your situation.
The review is the 'family safeguarding evaluation report, 2020 by John Rodger, Tim Allen and Sophie Elliott
Having said all this there doesn't seem to be a finances focus in the examples I've read so definitely ask your SW for further info
Hope that's helpful!
If you Google 'the family safeguarding intervention model' you should get further info about it. It's essentially a parenting capacity assessment which incorporates some level of intervention based on Motivational Interviewing, trying to be holistic in their assessment and understand how issues link together.
It looks like it's been useful in the 5 local authorities that have implemented it but interestingly in a 2020 review it was highlighted by many social workers that all 8 components or modules should not be compulsory for every family and that discretion should be permitted.
Personally I hate these one size fits all approaches and I hope your SW is able to use discretion to make it relevant to your situation.
The review is the 'family safeguarding evaluation report, 2020 by John Rodger, Tim Allen and Sophie Elliott
Having said all this there doesn't seem to be a finances focus in the examples I've read so definitely ask your SW for further info
Hope that's helpful!
Thank you - that is helpful and makes me feel more empowered to do something about it. I have found mention of the approach / 8 modules and it doesn't look exactly the same but elements look similar.
Apart from my husband spending hundreds per month on a room elsewhere we are not yet in financial difficulties and wouldn't be entitied to any help anyway.
I was told that CIN was voluntary but nothing would change unless we took it so I felt we had to take it if there was any chance of getting my husband home.
My 15 year old daughter has issues with her confidence and friends at school and these are being picked up during the meetings but even she said in the car last night that these issues have nothing to do with her step-father's current position.
The SW drops in all the time that she doesn't think the children are at risk, but then in the next sentence nothing can change yet, she has to do the risk assessment, but she doesn't know how to do it yet as her manager hasn't shown her..... It is just rubbbish.
The there is constant circle of no decision making between the police and SW.
Apart from my husband spending hundreds per month on a room elsewhere we are not yet in financial difficulties and wouldn't be entitied to any help anyway.
I was told that CIN was voluntary but nothing would change unless we took it so I felt we had to take it if there was any chance of getting my husband home.
My 15 year old daughter has issues with her confidence and friends at school and these are being picked up during the meetings but even she said in the car last night that these issues have nothing to do with her step-father's current position.
The SW drops in all the time that she doesn't think the children are at risk, but then in the next sentence nothing can change yet, she has to do the risk assessment, but she doesn't know how to do it yet as her manager hasn't shown her..... It is just rubbbish.
The there is constant circle of no decision making between the police and SW.
Does anyone know how long or when a CIN should be completed? Were 3weeks after arrest and following bail rules. Only recommendations are not to reside at home, no unsupervised contact with under 18s and follow whatever social services says. It's very vague.
We've seen SW once where she explained there was a referral and that she needs to put a CIN in place. She's met my child at home for about 20mins then saw them in school a week later. There's another meeting in about 3 weeks over zoom with the school but there's still been no risk assessment, no CIN completed (or that she's told us). Apparently the next meeting is for her to handover to another SW who will be meeting us every 4 weeks and is likely to want a more long term plan. They keep asking me what my plans are. I just keep saying whatever it takes to keep my child safe. I mean how do I make any decisions about the future when I don't know what it holds and that it's likely to change? I don't have all the information. I want my child to have a relationship with their father because if contact was stopped one would be distraught and the other suicidal. It's still too much of a shock, too raw and mentally I'm exhausted and not in a place to be making big long term decisions. I'm coping with this hellish nightmare by getting through a day at a time. Surely that's not a bad thing is it? I don't know why they're pushing me to decide what the long term goal is. Especially if it's going to be completely unrealistic.
We've seen SW once where she explained there was a referral and that she needs to put a CIN in place. She's met my child at home for about 20mins then saw them in school a week later. There's another meeting in about 3 weeks over zoom with the school but there's still been no risk assessment, no CIN completed (or that she's told us). Apparently the next meeting is for her to handover to another SW who will be meeting us every 4 weeks and is likely to want a more long term plan. They keep asking me what my plans are. I just keep saying whatever it takes to keep my child safe. I mean how do I make any decisions about the future when I don't know what it holds and that it's likely to change? I don't have all the information. I want my child to have a relationship with their father because if contact was stopped one would be distraught and the other suicidal. It's still too much of a shock, too raw and mentally I'm exhausted and not in a place to be making big long term decisions. I'm coping with this hellish nightmare by getting through a day at a time. Surely that's not a bad thing is it? I don't know why they're pushing me to decide what the long term goal is. Especially if it's going to be completely unrealistic.
I had the knock 14 months ago, we have had 5 social workers in this time.
The first SW will be the assessment SW who will decide if one needs to continue etc one will then be allocated to you and the family.
the case was initialy closed for us as it was deemed my son was at no risk as my partner not home and had no access to him, however i then discovered i was prgnant, they then wanted to re open for the unborn and I argued that there was no risk during first or even second trimester and they got back involved aroud week 20.
Unfortuantly we now need to go back through another section 47 and more risk assessments to decide if partner can be home when another adult is present in the home for him to be able to see his son.
I had the knock 14 months ago, we have had 5 social workers in this time.
The first SW will be the assessment SW who will decide if one needs to continue etc one will then be allocated to you and the family.
the case was initialy closed for us as it was deemed my son was at no risk as my partner not home and had no access to him, however i then discovered i was prgnant, they then wanted to re open for the unborn and I argued that there was no risk during first or even second trimester and they got back involved aroud week 20.
Unfortuantly we now need to go back through another section 47 and more risk assessments to decide if partner can be home when another adult is present in the home for him to be able to see his son.
We had a investigation type SW too who handed over to a "regular" one who then became another regular one, when the first one left. That took about 2 to 3 months.
The CIN meeting were every 4 weeks at home but then we had zoom meetings but I think these were every 6 to 8 weeks with the school as well. I spent the whole of these meetings in tears.
We were on CIN for 6 months when they closed the case but many people stay on it for longer, much longer.
When they asked me my plans for the future I think they wanted to know what my boundaries were e.g. would I leave him if the evidence was more than IIOC so to start with I said I have no idea what my plans are but leaving is clearly an option.... then I did the LFF course and had my own therapy to understand what was going on with his porn addiction, and I would say if he has done what he said he has done, I will stay but if other stuff comes out then I will reassess, and if needed leave
Then it went onto if I stayed with him, did I understand what his issues were, do I understand if he was working to resolve his issues etc, could I spot warning signs of re offending.
I think they need to know you will leave if the children are not going to be safe. You have a plan on who you would manage if you left etc.
The CIN meeting were every 4 weeks at home but then we had zoom meetings but I think these were every 6 to 8 weeks with the school as well. I spent the whole of these meetings in tears.
We were on CIN for 6 months when they closed the case but many people stay on it for longer, much longer.
When they asked me my plans for the future I think they wanted to know what my boundaries were e.g. would I leave him if the evidence was more than IIOC so to start with I said I have no idea what my plans are but leaving is clearly an option.... then I did the LFF course and had my own therapy to understand what was going on with his porn addiction, and I would say if he has done what he said he has done, I will stay but if other stuff comes out then I will reassess, and if needed leave
Then it went onto if I stayed with him, did I understand what his issues were, do I understand if he was working to resolve his issues etc, could I spot warning signs of re offending.
I think they need to know you will leave if the children are not going to be safe. You have a plan on who you would manage if you left etc.
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Thank you all for the advice
The meeting was today. It was just as awful as I expected and really stressful for all. Both of us were in tears for most of it.
SW was late, we've been handed over to our next SW who was also late, didn't tell us she was coming in person and rang the doorbell after the meeting had already started. New SW admitted on the meeting with school that she hadnt even had chance to read our notes yet. I've not got a copy of our plan yet or the "danger statement" and the next meeting due she's on holiday and I had to step in and suggest we book one with school now to ensure it was when they were available and suggested earlier was better than nothing as (we're heading into summer holidays soon). I haven't even been given her contact details.
During the meeting when they were handing over the first SW also had details of the arrest and cause for concern incorrect. Then they apologised and said in front of school they'd got the details wrong.
Didn't really leave me with a feeling of confidence or level of support I would have expected to be honest. Thats 2 meetings so far that have left both of us distraught afterwards with no further practical advice or feedback as to what else we can do. I got the impression they weren't supportive that I won't tell my family. I explained again my reasoning; there's no point as they won't support. I also don't want to burden them with this horrible knowledge. I wouldn't wish the stress and anxiety of being involved in this scenario on my worst enemy. Again this was referred to as "limited support".
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day
The meeting was today. It was just as awful as I expected and really stressful for all. Both of us were in tears for most of it.
SW was late, we've been handed over to our next SW who was also late, didn't tell us she was coming in person and rang the doorbell after the meeting had already started. New SW admitted on the meeting with school that she hadnt even had chance to read our notes yet. I've not got a copy of our plan yet or the "danger statement" and the next meeting due she's on holiday and I had to step in and suggest we book one with school now to ensure it was when they were available and suggested earlier was better than nothing as (we're heading into summer holidays soon). I haven't even been given her contact details.
During the meeting when they were handing over the first SW also had details of the arrest and cause for concern incorrect. Then they apologised and said in front of school they'd got the details wrong.
Didn't really leave me with a feeling of confidence or level of support I would have expected to be honest. Thats 2 meetings so far that have left both of us distraught afterwards with no further practical advice or feedback as to what else we can do. I got the impression they weren't supportive that I won't tell my family. I explained again my reasoning; there's no point as they won't support. I also don't want to burden them with this horrible knowledge. I wouldn't wish the stress and anxiety of being involved in this scenario on my worst enemy. Again this was referred to as "limited support".
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day