Family and Friends Forum

Staying with someone

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Member since
July 2019

16 posts

I was wondering how many of you on here have stayed with your partner/husband through this? Have you made it work? If so how?

I've been with my partner a year, and found out about his offence early on. I decided to stay with him and give him a chance, it had been 7 years since his offence.

It's very rare I'm not thinking about it. I will never understand why he did something so wrong. Will he do it again, was it just one big massive mistake at a bad time in his life or is that who he is?

I'm really a struggling, but I do love him which makes it all so much harder. Can we ever have a future or a normal relationship? Can I ever really trust him?

Posted Sun July 21, 2019 10:54amReport post


Member since
February 2019

32 posts

It's a year post knock next weekend. We are still together. My mind has protected me and i dont think about it constantly anymore. I am reminded of it daily. Driving home hoping I don't bump into neighbours that bring awkward hellos. Hearing kids play outside and sometimes the noise of people enjoying themselves makes me angry but I have made my choice and at present am content I have made that choice. He has been my best friend through so much. It's actually our anniversary on Wednesday also. But no big celebrations. It's different now. But we are ok and I still love him.

I'm doing what's right for me right now. Maybe it will change we will separate but I'm willing to wait and see. It's a pretty big commitment but as I said - I have made that decision for me xx

Posted Mon July 22, 2019 6:46pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

We are 4.5 years on now and I can say life is tough. There are a lot more obstacles than before such as insurance. No matter what crime you have committed insurance goes up, hiwer there are certain companies who dont ask so theres a way round it. Even holiday camps sometimes dont allowed sex offenders on site, again there are loopholes and ways round it. Life isnt as easy as it was it's changed, not for the better but it's still ok.

Posted Tue July 23, 2019 1:41amReport post


Member since
July 2019

16 posts

Thank you all for your replies, it's good to hear from others.

I guess there's no easy answer really, we just need to take things a step at a time and see where it takes us.

I appreciate the support from you all. Xx

Posted Tue July 23, 2019 8:12amReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Hi how is it possible to stay together ? My son was removed from his home by social services the. His g/f ex came an took her son off her and they won’t let him return she has stood by him but is getting so much abuse from neighbours etc how does she get a house move (private tenement ) I’m so worried about her but I have to stay away because the social worker has said I can’t go there ! Not 1 service has been out or contacted me I know he’s a grown man but my god the services arnt easy to find when u need help are they x

Posted Wed July 24, 2019 4:14amReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Sorry I should add that my son and his g/f have been together just over 4 yrs they are a fantastic team/couple but she has been told if she wants him she loses her little boy !

Is there anything hey can do ? X

Posted Wed July 24, 2019 5:09amReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

I’ll tell her thank you xx

Posted Wed July 24, 2019 2:36pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Janno, unfortunately it seems she is in the same situation as I am. As I mentioned it's been 4.5 years. I moved to escape abuse but was stalked by my old neighbours who soon posted my new address on social media and tagged as many neighbours as possible. She needs to report everything to the police, they wont do much but it will help her case in new housing. Unless a particular threat is made (such as "I will stab you" and not "wait and see to what I'm going to do to your face". The later can be taken as something bad but could be a makeover apparently) or they gain access to her home. Its ridiculous really. I live apart from my husband, I see him daily as do out kids. We can stay with him but not at my home due to safety. Also scans need to be done to make sure it's a suitable area. It isn't easy.

Social work tend to exclude grandparents of the children unless they spend a considerable amount of time together. If they are together a lot they will assess their capability to be a protective factor.

It takes so much time but they will get there. If they continue to stay together she will be a positive factor on his rehabilitation.

Posted Thu July 25, 2019 3:55amReport post

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