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Absolutely disgusted at child's appointment

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Member since
June 2023

65 posts

Posted Tue October 17, 2023 9:09pmReport post

Hi all, I was really debating whether or not to post this but I'm still in shock over what was said to me.

So earlier I took my child to a follow up appointment at my local hospital, I get asked the standard questions and of course the "is your child known to SS" comes up which unfortantly because of my situation yes they are, but I've answered this standard question so often it doesn't bother me half as much as it used to, until today.

There's only ever been one ever instance when they asked why and they were supportive about it, but today when the nurse went to do my child's checks I was told they wanted to have them stripped down so they can check for bruises. EXCUSE ME? I was so shocked I didn't say anything, part of me wishes I did but I can't deal with confrontation, especially nowadays.

Even my OH was absolutely furious at just the suggestion, and I'm still wondering if I should put in a complaint or not because maybe they silently do look for such things if a child is known to SS but to actively tell me thats what they're looking for? I've honestly never felt so insulted or offended, because my child is known to SS is this how I'll always be viewed? There are days where I already feel like a bad parent because of the situation we're in because of actions that my partner has been accused of and I had no idea about until the knock, and to hear a comment like that, I really didn't need it.

I've already lost a lot of faith in the police, last thing I want to lose faith in now is healthcare, especially when it comes to my child's.

- just reread, and I wanted to clarify that my child is a baby so yes my child is undressed for checks, usually down to just a vest and in the occasion that they need to be weighed then yes stripped down completely. But I've never once had anyone say that they wanted my child stripped down to look for bruising.

Edited Tue October 17, 2023 9:39pm


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Tue October 17, 2023 9:24pmReport post

What a horrendous experience. I would ask for a copy of the policy that states that all children known to SS should be stripped down and checked for bruises. Why is this proportionate or necessary? Do they do this for children who are disabled and have a social worker to allow them to access respite? Do they do this to teenagers who have a social worker because they are at risk of criminal exploitation? Have they done a risk assessment regarding the impact on the child's welfare of being subjected to such a check?

It's absolutely true that all workers should be alert to such things for ALL children. However this should be proportionate.


Member since
November 2022

409 posts

Posted Wed October 18, 2023 1:40pmReport post


I am so sorry this happened to you.

Can you make a complaint to PALS?

Even if is their procedure to check for bruises for children with SS involvement, she shouldn't have made you feel like that and should have been more tactful about it.


Member since
October 2023

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Posted Tue October 24, 2023 11:34amReport post

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Edited Mon November 20, 2023 8:56am