Family and Friends Forum

When will they leave us alone

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Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Posted Tue July 23, 2019 5:22amReport post

Hi everyone ...

So quick recap on my story knock was October he was up in court and scentenced in Feb he has done his prison time of four months. He dose not live with my self as we have children but cs are happy for me to supervise contact and I have pushed so much for help an support as I am in a area that is not nice to be honest. The kids understand to there ages why daddy is not here and also part of the safty work they understand that daddy is not a safe person any more. He has never touched a child it was just downloaded images he was done for. Any way when it hit the papers I got lots of trouble from people who knew his name because a picture was never published for the protection of the kids. He has been out now a month and now one of these online peadophile pages on Facebook have put a post saying he lives in the my area and puts his mug shot up now it's all kicking off again.......

I am starting to struggle when I seen it last night that feeling in your stomach from the knock is coming back again. Is this ever going to stop. I have lost alot through this my job friends and family. I have tried my hardest to make life as normal as possible for these kids as they come first. So scared for September my eldest starts high school and it is making me feel so anxious now.

Will this ever end or has anyone got any info on if I can get help to move out of area.


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Posted Tue July 23, 2019 10:03amReport post

Hi in so insensed to read your post today , when will they bring in a law to stop these short sighted individuals posting in papers and on social media do they not stop to think of the further trauma they are possible further trauma they are causing our children , and they are meant to be posting this on there to protect children , it seems that families of murderers get left alone more than us


Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Posted Tue July 23, 2019 5:40pmReport post

Thanks so much

I have only left the house once today early hours to get what I needed and me and the kids have been in all day hiding away for a few days. The police have said they are going out to where my husband is living and the ppu are getting involved to.

I asked the page to remove the area but they won't even when I stated the vunrability of my self with mental health and the kids. It's really effecting my daughter she is starting high school September and dose not want to go to this school because of this and just found out she is self harming to she is eleven I feel like the world is still crashing down on me I just feel so suffercated and I done nothing wrong. I have all the neighbors watching everything I do. I have cs coming tomorrow and I am putting my foot down now I need help not because I am failing but because I am human and can only do so much on my own now


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Tue October 1, 2019 6:45amReport post


How are things? Did you manage to move and did your daughter vstart school okay!

The press are vile and social media should be banned. Those that know you love you. The rest don't matter.

I truly hope you are ok xx


Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Posted Wed October 9, 2019 6:23amReport post

Hey ...

So not managed to move but people have seen that my husband and I have split and are now leaving us alone thank god. My daughter has started school fine not one person has said anything to her about her dad so far so good.

I got the 12 month mark on the 3rd October and things are now starting to look up. CS are now case closed and are happy that the family are working together as a team for the children to get the contact that they need with there dad and helping support me with support so I can work ect as I don't have any family support from my blood family but even tho me and him have split his mum is fantastic and still wants a good relationship with me.

I am now looking at going to college to makes steps to try and become a family support worker for situations like this going to turn my dark time in to a positive and I want to give back some support to people who need it as support for family's in this situation is very limited and I think this needs to change. I hope people can see that it will get better just take the baby steps and that light will come back and you will all be stronger wiser people for it xxxxxx


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Thu October 10, 2019 9:26pmReport post

Vic, my apologies. I have only just seen your reply.

What a lovely, positive post. I'm so pleased that things have turned a corner for you and your being left alone and you've been able to move forward. It's delightful to read that your using your experiences as a positive to support others. I truly hope you can achieve your goal of supporting families.

Much love for the future xx


Member since
February 2019

32 posts

Posted Wed October 23, 2019 12:27amReport post

Really heart warming and inspiring to hear how things are going for you Vic. I hope your plans work out and I'm sure you will be such a wonderful support for people. Xxx


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 4:39pmReport post

Hi vic87

Your post made me happy to see that things are starting to become positive for you. Are you still in contact with your partner/ex partner? Does he visit his children?

I'm worried that if things come out then I will have no friends. Not that I have got any anyway. I still feel I have to hide away and I feel ashamed x
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