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Social services outcome

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Member since
July 2019

16 posts

So, I've been with my partner for a year now. Found out early on about his offence which was committed 7 years ago (he served a year and a half in prison and now on register), I stayed in the relationship, which I'm sure people will wonder why. I was told by his PPO that he could have no contact with my kids without SS doing a risk assessment. This was scary for me but we took our time and after 7 months together we decided to take that step. The process took much longer than it should have as it was undertaken by two very inexperienced SW's (both a year out of uni) and was very stressful for both of us. The outcome was delivered by them and their manager, which was NO contact at all. Their manager was a horrid man and spoke to me like dirt and there seemed to be a lot of things in the report that I did not say and was very negative, which was a surprise after the way they had talked to us in person, obviously my word against theirs.

It was horrible reading it all in black and white but we accept the outcome for now. My question is, how do we change the outcome in the future. SS reccomend courses which we are looking at but what else can we do to help change things if we ask for a review in 6, 8 or 12 months time?

Over the next 6 months it will be more difficult for us to be together so not sure what to do?

Any advice?

Thanks x

Posted Fri July 26, 2019 9:30amReport post


Member since
July 2019

16 posts

Hi poster,

Thank you for your reply.

I will give them a ring.

Does it sound hopeless?


Posted Fri July 26, 2019 10:17am
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 2:40pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

12 posts

Hi lucy 1st time my ex partner was allowed contact with his own children 2nd time my ex not allowed any contact or children. My report from sw was good they said good mam and protecting my children. 2nd time he was sent prison with court order. I had no contact. Hard at time has we were together for long time before this happen. Sw told me if wanted him in my then sw would be in my life. I decided no contact to protect our selfs.

Posted Fri July 26, 2019 2:38pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

I had the knock a week ago tomorrow. My ex husband is a policeman. My kids aren't my partner's. The knock concerned my partner. I was in shock and numb. I'm still processing it all myself now. Ups and downs. Anger then missing him. Anyway, I chose no contact. He was still under arrest when the knock came. I asked that him not coming near us was a bail condition. There is no way my relationship could continue. My ex husband would take my kids. I'm not prepared for that possiblity. And while there's potential risk to my kids in not taking any chances. So I haven't heard or spoke to him since last Wednesday morning. However, I love him. I'm worried about him. I want to see how he is. My question is, can I do this or by contacting him is it a risk to my kids being deemed unsafe with me. I don't want a relationship with him anymore. That is over and I'll come too terms with that in time. There is no way he will be allowed near my children. But can I call him? Pip by too see him when my kids aren't around? If I ask the police or SW this I'm scared of being seen as an unfit mum. I need answers, and closure.

Posted Tue July 30, 2019 10:10pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Poster. Thank you. What an awful time for us all. Xxx

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 8:20am
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 2:40pmReport post

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