Family and Friends Forum

Sequence of events - bit confused!

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Member since
April 2023

516 posts

Morning everyone. I do hope it's a good morning for some of us - and if not, sending a big communal hug.

I know that the sequence of events for our people is arrest, bail and more interviews (for some), devices being checked, results sent to CPS, charges and then court.

What is a bit unclear in my mind is how much of this sequence are the police obliged to tell our people? I'm asking especially about when devices have been checked and info sent off to CPS. Will our person be told this automatically?

In my head I was thinking that our son is still in the pre- device checking stage and we would then have a wait for CPS decisions and this is helping my ability to cope by compartmentalising things a bit. I would find it tricky to cope if suddenly he was charged when I was thinking we had more time to wait. Our son has a solicitor who he can instruct to find out for him every 28 days but I've read on here that often this gets ignored by the police.

Our son had a call from his OIC recently to tell him his bail had been changed to RUI and she said that the person in charge of his devices was away on holiday so she couldn't find out where things had got to - but as she hasn't been the most efficient and honest person so far I'm inclined to think she just said this to pacify him. Back in June/July she told a CP meeting that the devices were being checked and our son has been interviewed about one of the devices about 3 months ago so it looked then that we were on our way at last, but since then, nothing.

Any comments on any of this rambling post would be appreciated!

Much love and solidarity to everyone x

Posted Sat October 28, 2023 9:07am
Edited Sat October 28, 2023 9:20amReport post


Member since
October 2022

618 posts

I can't help particularly but can tell you my OH's experience.

Most devices looked at after 6 months - then a second interview and the OIC said it would be 2 months for CPS to come back with charges.

charges eventually arrived 5 months later.

as far as I know, they still haven't checked all devices as we had forgotten the passwords to two ancient devices. OIC said this would take 6 months to sort, which was said in January 2023. They still haven't got back to me. I'm not chasing as I don't trust the police and the devices were so old (my children's from when they were small) that they are of no value to us.

good luck with your timeline xx

Posted Sat October 28, 2023 5:34pmReport post


Member since
April 2023

516 posts

Thank you K4. Your reply shows how erratic this process can be and I'm not sure if remaining ignorant until the trial date arrives is better than trying to keep in the loop about things!

If I could get one message across to the professionals in all this, whether police, solicitors or social workers, it would be to ask them to at least be honest with us and instead of pretending things have been or are being done say 'I'm so sorry this is taking a long time, I probably won't get x,y or z done immediately but I promise to do it as soon as possible and keep you informed.' How hard would that be to do?

Basic decency and professionalism.

Posted Sun October 29, 2023 9:07am
Edited Sun October 29, 2023 9:09amReport post


Member since
April 2023

516 posts

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Posted Sun October 29, 2023 9:07am
Edited Sun October 29, 2023 9:07amReport post

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