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How do you carry on a relationship with your son?

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Member since
July 2019

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This all started for us over 2 years ago. Our house was raided and all of our phones, tablets, laptops were seized and checked onsite. At the time I had no clue what was going on, but both myself and husband were every bit suspects as my son. They took his laptop away and told us a cat c image was found - we were devastated but he was never arrested or formally charged. It deeply affected my relationship with my son who has both learning difficulties and Aspergers. I tried to balance telling him off with educating him. But it was destroying our relationship and he tried to take his life. He disappeared and there was a massive search. He was eventually found and spent some time in hospital. I vowed then I wouldn't give him a hard time about it. Then a year ago he was summoned to court and charged. There was a lot if issues and complications. Anyway eventually he was up at court last week. I didnt go, I couldn't. My husband however did. But he couldn't hear all that was said. My son was then put on register but sentence has been deferred for social reports. I still at this stage thought it was one image category c. Woke up yesterday morning to messages saying they had seen the newspaper - I had no idea so I read article and they are calling him all sorts of names have put my address and his new address (he moved out a year ago) fortunately I have now moved too but not out of area. Anyway the paper reportedly was hundreds of deleted videos and category a images.i am devastated, I run a wellbeing centre and my don worked with me. So have a lot if people feeling let down. I have closed the centre and am shutting it down as of tonight. I am torn between supporting my son and hating him. He is not opening up to me, but has said he will have to move back home as he us unsafe. They got his photo in paper. I dont feel. I can say no, but I feel it will destroy me. He is vulnerable - I feel I have lost him and am grieving who I thought he was.

Posted Sat July 27, 2019 2:28pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

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Hi, such a lot going on for you just now. I’m over six years post knock and totally agree with grieving for the son you had. It takes a lot out of you this process, you do have to think about your wellbeing in all of this too. From my own experience I feel you can get a different relationship with your son(if you want), a mother’s love is what kept me going sometimes, I understand the mixture of feelings you are having and can only say you aren’t alone, hope this helps a bit x

Posted Sat July 27, 2019 3:29pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

11 posts

Thank you, to find a support group with people who fully understand is such a relief. I have kept it yo myself.all this time. So its good to put it out there. Thank you for your reply. The emotional rollercoaster is hard to cope with, but I feel a bit better knowing this group is here

Posted Sat July 27, 2019 3:38pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Hi you are not alone this all started with the knock for our son 3 years ago , it is different when it's your son , I'm not saying it's worse than if its partners , but I think with sons you have this guilt , was it something I done wrong in their upbringing , a few of us mums on here are saying our sons have some sort of mental health issues , I am beginning to see a connection , a conne

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 2:36pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi, I just thought I’d post to see if my name has changed. Decided I needed a more positive one, so went for phoenixmum as I’ve picked myself up from many tough times over the years. Totally agree with last post as the guilt I had failed my son as a mum was horrendous. Has took me a good few years to get my head around this & some days are still better than others, but I will still keeping picking myself up x does feel good to speak even though it happened over 6 years ago, I don’t think it will ever truly leave me x

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 6:44pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

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Soz should have said formerly supermumnot ! Doh !!

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 6:45pmReport post


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December 2018

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We need a mums of sons group xxxx

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 6:51pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

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Hi nonna, that’s a great idea ???? I’m sure I’ve seen a few posts on here from mums, it’s weird because I really didn’t like tech when this happened but now I’m glad to be using it talk to people, wasn’t around then. Have kept this from so many people in my life, which is extremely difficult at times x

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 7:09pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi nonnquestion marks were a thumbs up, guess phone changed it!!

Posted Mon July 29, 2019 7:12pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

11 posts

Thank you all. I have been offline because my son attempted to take his life. He is physically ok and now back living with me for the time being. It is so hard. He was assessed by mental health crisis team and they advised he go up his GP and let him home. To me he is still a risk to himself - what he done was 2.5 years ago and he was particularly stressed, not excusing his action but he assures me he has no interest in doing anything like that again. But that he can't live with the fact that he has.

Yes I feel guilt, among a whole host of other emotions. Every day seems a new rollercoaster, I want to help him, I feel sorry for him, I wonder what I could have done differently, I enjoy spending time with him, I cant bare the sight of him, I love him, I hate him, I want to be the best mother I can be for him. It is driving me mad. I know I need to practice self care but I dont know how to at this moment.

My husband is his step dad and has been amazing with his support and considering when we got the knock he too was under suspicion because the police only knew it had happened at our address and my son lived with us then. He has always been kind to my son, and tries to help. He went to court with him and solicitors etc. But he is tired of it all know and he doesn't want him to live with us which is understandable. However my son needs my support too. He has no one else.

My husband told me that he cant continue like this and if my son stays then he will leave. He says the stress is too much.

The impact has been huge but it has to get easier at some point - thank you for listening

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 6:55amReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi Carlyan, so sorry to hear about your recent events, I do hope your son can get all the help he needs. I too felt all the love, hate, don’t know who you are etc with my son, so very difficult when our job as a mum is to protect & love unconditionally. The way I see now is I hate what my son did, he was punished, deserves a second chance & im now proud of how much he has improved his life. Never thought I’d even have a relationship with him at the start. Please do try & take time for yourself, you are being put in an awful position if you have to choose between your son & husband. Keep posting, sending you hugs, wish I could do more xx

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 5:07pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Hi pheonix mum will you join our mums group through mumsnet carlyan has joined

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 8:56pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi nonna, yeah I could try if you tell me how to. I’m not very tech savvy, from what I’ve read on here it deffo sounds like it’s helping & that’s got to be a good thing

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 9:32pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi phoenix mum.

To join the mums group you will need to join Mumsnet then your can sent messages to people, my user name is TB14, if you send me a message then I can link you up xx

Posted Wed July 31, 2019 11:45pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi Tracey, thanks for your reply, I’m very nervous about Mumsnet as it took me a while to come on this site. Will have a think about it. Think I’ve become so secretive, it’s sometimes hard to open up xx

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 6:53pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi phoenix

That's totally understandable and it isn't for everyone, this isn't too pressure you into making that decision, it's just too day it's an option.

Keep coming on here and also using the help line - it's all really invaluable, I don't think I could've got through it all without the help on here, just raising there were others who felt as I did was amazing

Take care xx

Posted Fri August 2, 2019 7:26amReport post


Member since
July 2019

27 posts

Hi Tracey, thanks for your last post. I will deffo have to have a good think about mumsnet, might need it more now. I’ve found out of 2 people have knowledge of sons offence. Feeling so sad that I can’t get away from this sometimes, but thinking I shouldn’t ask the questions if I really don’t want the answers eh!! I know I can’t control who tells who but it hurts all the same!

Posted Mon August 5, 2019 6:51pmReport post

Quick exit