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Help with housing for offender

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May 2019

48 posts

Does anyone know if my ex will be able to rent a property once this is all over?

Posted Sat July 27, 2019 9:00pm
Edited by moderator Mon July 29, 2019 12:37pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

In same position with my son, housing say he not a priority but he can’t stay with me as I’ve got other kids and grandkids that won’t visit while he’s here also he needs to address a new normality and life for himself !

Hope ur ex gets sorted there’s not a lot of help out there is there? X

Posted Sun July 28, 2019 8:47amReport post


Member since
May 2019

48 posts

No theres not our council have already told him theu cant help him and he doesnt want to get a place before court incase of publication. But after court its going to be alnost inpossible to find a landlord who will accept him

Posted Sun July 28, 2019 4:34pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hey Becky, housing is difficult. Private landlords can chose not to house him due to his criminal record. His first point of contact should be Shelter. They are very good with housing, the council say he isnt a priority when he really is. Shelter got my husband accommodation very quickly after his release. He moved in with family but a neighbour complained about his presence to the police. Although legally he had every right to be there there was a risk if violence. He was put into homeless accommodation which was a beautiful flat 20 miles away. Shelter, the council and also my husbands OMU and social worker then found him permanent accommodation and provided basic furniture as he had nothing.

At the moment he is kind of in limbo. Is a custodial sentence expected? If he is imprisoned he may lose his home or at risk of vandalism. Get him to contact Shelter in your area ASAP.

Posted Tue July 30, 2019 3:18amReport post


Member since
May 2019

48 posts

Hi we are unsure if a custodial sentence will be given hes solicitor said it is going to come down to the judge. I am however expecting a custodial sentence after reading through posts on here. He is currently in emergency housing from the council but they have said afyer 56 days they will no lonher be able to help as he cannot find a landlord to let a property and this is all before sentencing. I will tell him to contact shelter i just hope they can help him so he can get the help he so desperatly can he come to terms with all this and get help when a basic need of having somewhere to live he cant find. He cannot come back here either as i have 2 children with additional needs and cannot supervise him 24 hours a day it would be just too much for me. Tha kypu for the advice on shelter im sure we will know more about possible sentence as je is formally being charged today.

Posted Tue July 30, 2019 10:05amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Sadly it does come down to the judge, I hope you get a good one for the sake of your family.

He may get moved around a bit but they wont leave him homeless, I hope he has spoken with Shelter. Keep me posted x

Posted Thu August 1, 2019 5:41amReport post

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