Family and Friends Forum

Who gets told the release date?

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Member since
March 2022

12 posts

Posted Sun November 5, 2023 9:48pmReport post


my brother comes out of prison in a few weeks and I'm wondering if the mother of his child will get told the release date as she had contact with social services? They aren't on good terms and I can foresee her sending someone to the prison when he gets out to do something bad.


Edited by moderator Mon November 6, 2023 11:41am

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1094 posts

Posted Mon November 6, 2023 1:14pmReport post


I can't be completely certain as it's something that I've not been through and I think different local authorities have different ways of doing things. A referral was out in to social services after sentencing by probation, my person was remanded until sentencing so not the same as having a release date but they will notify social services after release to inform them of what the next steps are in terms of managing the risk to their child. Hopefully someone who has experienced this will reply to you. In terms of sending someone to the prison that would be beyond foolish on her part and could jeopardise whatever relationship she has with social services xxx


Member since
February 2022

17 posts

Posted Mon November 6, 2023 11:15pmReport post

When my husband was released the only person who knew his date was him. He told me and his parents (who picked him up) but no one else.