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Unsupervised Contact Question

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Member since
October 2023

18 posts

Posted Mon November 6, 2023 5:00pmReport post

Hi everyone

My partner has recently been sentenced for iioc. His sentence: unpaid work and 12 months of supervision/register. No special conditions in terms of unsupervised contact, internet use etc.

Now, since the knock, we have been advised by social services to ensure there is no unsupervised contact between my partner and my son - very standard procedure and understandable considering the crime my partner has committed.

As of now, we're still practicing no unsupervised contact of course, but my partner's criminal justice social worker said that this should have been stopped. She said she has done her necessary assessments and my partner is not a risk, never had a plan or an intention to physically hurt a child. She told us to get in touch with social services and ask to review the safety plan and provide the information she shared with us.

I have been in touch with them as advised and they said they'll look into it and get back to me. Haven't heard anything yet.

I wanted to ask if any of you have been in the same or similar situation and how did you approach it, what was the process you had to go through? I know every family and circumstances are different, but it would be good to have a rough idea about what may or may not happen.

Many thanks!


Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Tue November 7, 2023 9:58amReport post

Hi strongerthanithought,

One suggestion would be to get the professional who is saying it doesn't need to be supervised any longer to make a referral on your behalf

You can also chase up with SS yourself

Obviously what they've said is a recommendation so you don't *have* to follow it, but equally they could take action if they find out and think your child is at risk so I wouldnt suggest just doing it anyway without at the very least informing them :)


Member since
October 2023

18 posts

Posted Tue November 7, 2023 10:37amReport post


My partner tried to ask the professional if she would be willing to get in touch with SS, but I she's just really busy. She offered to confirm what she said if SS would get in touch with her. It's just a bit of a waiting game I suppose to see who gets in touch with who first.

We absolutely do stick to unsupervised contact rule and would never ever change anything until we get "all clear" from SS. As much as it only is a recommendation, I prefer to be safe than sorry and get in trouble and go through anymore stress than I already have.



Member since
February 2023

374 posts

Posted Tue November 7, 2023 6:19pmReport post

In that case you might need to change your wording to SS

Perhaps something like 'on the basis of a recommendation from X professional, (include their name, job title, contact details), I intend to start allowing unsupervised contact between Y and my child on Z date. The reasons for making this change are: a) b) c) (e.g. work completed, the reasons for the professionals recommendation, the benefits for your child - keep it succinct but include all relevant reasons perhaps in bullet points)

However I am aware that until now we have had a safety plan in place with yourselves to not allow unsupervised contact, which has been in place since (date). I am therefore informing you of my intention to change this safety plan and allow unsupervised contact. I would be grateful if you could confirm that you are happy for me to make this change, prior to Z date.

If you feel an assessment is required from yourselves first then I would also be very happy to work with you on this before we make the changes'

Just want an end to it

Member since
October 2023

220 posts

Posted Thu November 9, 2023 5:06pmReport post

Stronger than I thought.

I would send your SW an email. Some of my work is engaging with SS and they are so busy that I always send an email after talking to them.

It's a shame that the professional will not just send you an email saying "I have assessed the risk and feel it is 0, please contact me if this needs to be discussed in more depth". Or can you send her an email saying can you confirm that as per your meeting on the _____ with _______ The risk assessment was seen to be 0 and you have recommend that he can have unsupervised access. Literally, they only have to answer yes and you can send it to your social worker.

Good luck


Member since
September 2022

255 posts

Posted Sun November 12, 2023 12:33pmReport post

In our area, if the case was closed as Ss were happy with arrangement, I have to self refer to MASH to start the process again. I made a referral in the summer so that we could have unsupervised contact as we're now several months post sentencing. The assigned social worker did an assessment, spoke to me, the kids (teens so aware of what is happening) and ex husband. She also made contact with school and probation for any concerns. All very easy, no concerns, but he's not allowed overnights yet.


Member since
October 2023

18 posts

Posted Tue November 14, 2023 11:20amReport post

Thanks very much for your replies! You've all been really helpful.

I have been told they are working on our case, they are extremely understaffed and are doing their best. They also said they don't know what the process is as they haven't dealt with a family that stayed together yet (?). They are trying to figure out what's required to move forward, so just have to wait and see.

Thanks once again!